Monday, September 30, 2019

Nursing Jurisprudence Essay

1.Intentional torts share three common elements as described in the text on page 113: There must be a volitional or willful act by the defendant.The person so acting must intend to bring about the consequences or appear to have intended to bring about the consequences.There must be causation. The act must be a substantial factor in bringing about the injury or consequences. Examples of intentional tort include: assault, battery, false imprisonment, conversion of property, trespass to land, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Threatening a patient with an injection or with starting an IV line is an example of assault. Quasi intentional torts differ from intentional torts because with quasi intentional torts the intent is lacking but there is still a volitional act and direct causation. Examples of quasi intentional torts include invasion of privacy and defamation. An example of defamation is when a nurse makes false chart entries about a patient’s lifestyle or diagnoses. 2. All five RN’s that I interviewed regarding their understanding of torts were mostly confused. All five of them were asked if they could tell me the difference between intentional and quasi intentional torts. The first nurse stated that she had no clue as to what I was talking about. The second nurse said, â€Å"I think it has something to do with how nurses treat their patients.† The third nurse just looked at me in a very confused manor, as if she were waiting for me to give her more information. The fourth nurse said, â€Å"I kind of remember learning about that in nursing school, but that was many, many years ago, and I don’t recall exactly what it is. The final nurse knew a little bit more than the others and stated, â€Å"Aren’t they laws that nurses should abide by?† Although, her response was in the form of a question, at least she knew it had something to do with the law. 3. After interviewing these five nurses if became clear to me that nurses need to be reminded or re-educated often about the laws that could affect their practice. An employer providing mandatory continuing education units on torts is one good way of increasing nurses understanding of torts. Another idea could be to place posters in the elevators that nurses might use frequently. These posters should be eye-catching with graphs, diagrams and illustrations showing the differences in torts. Implementing a short video during the orientation process could be another way to increase nurses understanding of torts. Finally, with all the mobile devices that are available these days, I think it would be great if someone created an app that could be downloaded by nurses to their own personal smart phones or tablets explaining the differences between intentional and quasi intentional torts.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Information Systems in Organizations Essay

Information systems (IS) is the study of complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data. The study bridges business and computer science using the theoretical foundations of information and computation to study various business models and related algorithmic processes within a computer science discipline. Computer Information System(s) (CIS) is a field studying computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their software and hardware designs, their applications, and their impact on society while IS emphasizes functionality over design. The history of information systems coincides with the history of computer science that began long before the modern discipline of computer science emerged in thetwentieth century. Regarding the circulation of   information and ideas, numerous legacy information systems still exist today that are continuously updated to promote ethnographic approaches, to ensure data integrity, and to improve the social effectiveness & efficiency of the whole process. In general, information systems are focused upon processing information within organizations, especially within business enterprises, and sharing the benefits with modern society. Human Resources Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy. â€Å"Human capital† is sometimes used synonymously with human resources, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used include â€Å"manpower†, â€Å"talent†, â€Å"labor† or simply â€Å"people†. The professional discipline and business function that oversees an organization’s human resources is called human resource management (HRM, or simply HR). Sales and marketing Sales is what you do and say during the one moment your product or service is being purchased. It’s confirming the payment options. Sales people have to feed the Marketing process and use the resources effectively that they had a part in building. There needs to be a partnership between the Sales and Marketing departments. Marketing is what you do (Sales people and Marketing people), before and after the sale. It is the strategy that will identify prospects that will lead to the sale. Marketing is learning about your client needs and delivering on them (or realizing there is not a fit with a prospect). Marketing is about building awareness and relationships – it’s everything that makes ‘the phone ring’ the first time and convinces past customers to buy from you again. Marketing includes anything that comes into contact with your customer. Finance Finance is the study of how investors allocate their assets over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. A key point in finance, which affects decisions, is the time value of money, which states that a unit of currency today is worth more than the same unit of currency tomorrow. Finance aims to price assets based on their risk level, and expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance. Characteristics Of Information Good information is that which is used and which creates value. Experience and research shows that good information has numerous qualities. Good information is relevant for its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its purpose, complete enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to the right person. It is also communicated in time for its purpose, contains the right level of detail and is communicated by an appropriate channel, i.e. one that is understandable to the user. Further details of these characteristics related to organizational information for decision-making follows. Availability/accessibility Information should be easy to obtain or access. Information kept in a book of some kind is only available and easy to access if you have the book to hand. A good example of availability is a telephone directory, as every home has one for its local area. It is probably the first place you look for a local number. But nobody keeps the whole country’s telephone books so for numbers further afield you probably phone a directory enquiry number. For business premises, say for a hotel in London, you would probably use the Internet. Businesses used to keep customer details on a card-index system at the customer’s branch. If the customer visited a different branch a telephone call would be needed to check details. Now, with centralized computer systems, businesses like banks and building societies can access any customer’s data from any branch. Accuracy Information needs to be accurate enough for the use to which it is going to be put. To obtain information that is 100% accurate is usually unrealistic as it is likely to be too expensive to produce on time. The degree of  accuracy depends upon the circumstances. At operational levels information may need to be accurate to the nearest penny – on a supermarket till receipt, for example. At tactical level department heads may see weekly summaries correct to the nearest  £100, whereas at strategic level directors may look at comparing stores’ performances over several months to the nearest  £100,000 per month. Accuracy is important. As an example, if government statistics based on the last census wrongly show an increase in births within an area, plans may be made to build schools and construction companies may invest in new housing developments. In these cases any investment may not be recouped. Reliability or objectivity Reliability deals with the truth of information or the objectivity with which it is presented. You can only really use information confidently if you are sure of its reliability and objectivity. When researching for an essay in any subject, we might make straight for the library to find a suitable book. We are reasonably confident that the information found in a book, especially one that the library has purchased, is reliable and (in the case of factual information) objective. The book has been written and the author’s name is usually printed for all to see. The publisher should have employed an editor and an expert in the field to edit the book and question any factual doubts they may have. In short, much time and energy goes into publishing a book and for that reason we can be reasonably confident that the information is reliable and objective. Compare that to finding information on the Internet where anybody can write unedited and unverified material and ‘publish’ it on the web. Unless you know who the author is, or a reputable university or government agency backs up the research, then you cannot be sure that the information is reliable. Some Internet websites are like vanity publishing, where anyone can write a book and pay certain (vanity) publishers to publish it. Relevance/appropriateness Information should be relevant to the purpose for which it is required. It must be suitable. What is relevant for one manager may not be relevant for another. The user will become frustrated if information contains data  irrelevant to the task in hand. For example, a market research company may give information on users’ perceptions of the quality of a product. This is not relevant for the manager who wants to know opinions on relative prices of the product and its rivals. The information gained would not be relevant to the purpose. Completeness Information should contain all the details required by the user. Otherwise, it may not be useful as the basis for making a decision. For example, if an organization is supplied with information regarding the costs of supplying a fleet of cars for the sales force, and servicing and maintenance costs are not included, then a costing based on the information supplied will be considerably underestimated. Ideally all the information needed for a particular decision should be available. However, this rarely happens; good information is often incomplete. To meet all the needs of the situation, you often have to collect it from a variety of sources. Level of detail/conciseness Information should be in a form that is short enough to allow for its examination and use. There should be no extraneous information. For example, it is very common practice to summarize financial data and present this information, both in the form of figures and by using a chart or graph. We would say that the graph is more concise than the tables of figures as there is little or no extraneous information in the graph or chart. Clearly there is a trade-off between level of detail and conciseness. Presentation The presentation of information is important to the user. Information can be more easily assimilated if it is aesthetically pleasing. For example, a marketing report that includes graphs of statistics will be more concise as well as more aesthetically pleasing to the users within the organization. Many organizations use presentation software and show summary information via a data projector. These presentations have usually been well thought out to be visually attractive and to convey the correct amount of detail. Timing Information must be on time for the purpose for which it is required. Information received too late will be irrelevant. For example, if you receive a brochure from a theatre and notice there was a concert by your favorite band yesterday, then the information is too late to be of use. Value of information The relative importance of information for decision-making can increase or decrease its value to an organization. For example, an organization requires information on a competitor’s performance that is critical to their own decision on whether to invest in new machinery for their factory. The value of this information would be high. Always keep in mind that information should be available on time, within cost constraints and be legally obtained. Cost of information Information should be available within set cost levels that may vary dependent on situation. If costs are too high to obtain information an organization may decide to seek slightly less comprehensive information elsewhere. For example, an organization wants to commission a market survey on a new product. The survey could cost more than the forecast initial profit from the product. In that situation, the organization would probably decide that a less costly source of information should be used, even if it may give inferior information.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Market Analysis and Manufacturing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market Analysis and Manufacturing Plan - Essay Example 50% of the respondents were of the view that they consider it most important if they have the ability to track their cargos around the world. Similarly, 50% of the respondents also believe that they must also have the ability to know if their cargo has been taken off course during transit. Further, 15 respondents also showed their willingness to pay as much as $600 if a hardware unit is provided to them which can interface with their cargos to provide them real time location and other information (which has been sought in questionnaire). Further questions were asked as to what other services are required if hardware is provided and what cost. Most of the respondents agreed to avail a bundled package which offers hardware as well as other allied services to avail such facilities. Our analysis, based on the survey responses, suggest that at least 50% of the market is willing to have such a technological backing to help them to track their cargos during the different phases of its transit. Thus there is a great market need for at least the basic facility of providing hardware support to different potential buyers in the market who are willing to use better control over their cargo during its transit in order to minimize the losses. It has also been observed that a base price of $600 will be an acceptable proposition for our product for sale in the market. The price figure has been decided after respondents our survey showed their willingness to pay that much amount for basic services. The base price of $600 is also fair in nature because of the fact that it is just below the average price which industry buyers are willing to pay. Since our firm will be potentially engaged into B2B marketing therefore considering the higher bargaining power of customers, our market analysis suggest that a base price of $50 per month would be a fair quote for monthly subscription. This price is also below the mean therefore we consider it a fair price to charge. It is also important to note that we have accounted for the inherent risk in the survey method of conducting primary research therefore a +/- 5% or 95% confidence level is assumed while analyzing the data from questionnaire. Overall, we believe that there is enough demand for this type of product and considering the various uses of ATM, this market can offer better diversification opportunities also in order to control and minimize the overall external risk. Manufacturing Plan Our market need analysis suggest that there is an strong demand for ATM systems and market is willing to bet $ 600 for each unit to be sold to them therefore based on this healthy and positive assessment, following section will present the manufacturing plan for the product. It is however important to note

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economics of Border Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics of Border Security - Essay Example After the implementation, while President Clinton claimed that an economically stronger Mexico was to the benefit of America, the workers found there were fewer jobs, and that they were paid less. Fears of Globalization: In the U.S. certain sectors of industry like the textile industry have been protected, and have got used to this protection. It is these industries that fear the impact of globalization. Conclusion: NAFTA and the European Union are examples of increasing cooperation between nations. This increased cooperation means that economic issues would cease to be an area of concern for border security. The issue of Border security has been a concern for some time in many countries around the world. The threat of cross border terrorism has created an added dimension to these concerns. Security of the border has economic implications in addition. A component of this concern is the entry of people across the porous borders. In the case of the U.S., the major concern has been over people crossing the border from Mexico seeking economic benefits. Such movement of people across the northern border with Canada has not been an area of concern. This is because there is less economic disparity between the two nations. For that same reason, few people cross the border illegally from the U.S. into Canada. Prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, terrorism did not have a major impact on border security. Border security was made an explicit topic in the U.S. in the report from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks in 2004, and among other things, it was stated that â€Å"restrictions on crossing US international borders are unlikely to be eased soon and may well be made stricter† (The US 9/11 Commission on Border Control, 2004, Para. 1). Findings of the report were also that in the decade preceding the 9-11 attacks, border security was not seen as a national security issue. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Diane Meyers' Feminist Perspectives on the Self, Essay

Diane Meyers' Feminist Perspectives on the Self, - Essay Example This continues to perpetuate the idea that females are somehow secondary. This has led many women to lose or never develop a sense of self identity and autonomy. Modern feminists, like Diane Meyers, feel that in order for woman to gain a proper identity, sense of self and true equality it will require complete reforming or completely inventing new philosophies with the intention of elevating not diminishing woman. History There is a distinct difference between sex and gender. Biologically speaking, sex refers to the genetic determination, sex organs, and levels of hormones. However gender is something different. People’s gender identities are not always in agreement with their sex organs; as in the case of the transgendered, for example (Gender spectrum).Western philosophy prefers to see the world in a far more black and white, hence male and female kind of world. Much of U.S. perspectives are guided by Christian ideologies that are renowned for elevating the value of men and diminishing and limiting the place of woman. Gender in modern society is a matter of learned behaviors and indoctrination to behave appropriately for their sex. This is reflected daily in the purchasing of pink clothing, baby dolls, and toy sewing machines for girls, while boys receive blue clothing, dump trucks, and play weapons. From the day you are born to the day you die social structures and gender traditions will dictate who we are and who we become based, primarily, on whether we are male or female (Dietert, and Dentice 121). Discussion Once we are ingrained with the ideas of our gender identity taught to us by others, anything that varies from that may seem wrong, freakish, and makes changing quite difficult. She identifies women can never gain a sense of self identity or autonomy in modern society as long as society is working with the principles founded on male dominant ideologies. She believes existing society is far to andocentric, or male dominant, it by nature demeans females as secondary and it works continually perpetuate make dominance and control (Meyers). For example, a recent cases involving courts giving dirty cops a free pass and refusing to prosecute and officer accused of rape. Men protecting men from accountability in the crimes against women is the truest example of male dominance. (Bennetts ) In order for woman to gain a sense of self identity, autonomy, and true equality is to restructure outdated, male dominated, and offensive concepts it will be necessary to rethink the activities of motherhood, developing ethics of care, exploring separatist practices, and re-conceptualization of the definition of autonomy. Motherhood has always been perceived by the male dominated society as actions that were biological imperatives and instinct. However, in the modern era mothers like Susan Smith and Casey Anthony are not at all women that are naturally meant to be or are capable of being good mothers. In other words, being a good mother is a mo ral and ethical choice that women make, which means they are capable of thinking, being moral, and ethical people. Women have been referred to as somehow morally inferior to men because they are not capable of applying morality, logic, or wisdom due to their very emotional tendencies. This, also, reflects back to Christian ideologies, Eve disobeyed God and tricked Adam into eating the apple and apparently every female,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What are RayJay Walsh's strengths and weaknesses as the narrator of Essay

What are RayJay Walsh's strengths and weaknesses as the narrator of Beamish Boy What ideas about thinking and making meaning does the choice of RayJay as a narrator raise - Essay Example His vocabulary is not developed and language used is simple and even crudely innocent at times. The reader then is able to create a highly realistic picture of the scenarios described in the book. This can be inferred from the beginning of the story itself: â€Å"My kite is black and plastic spread out flat and black against the grass and underneath the wind is shaky. Wind is a snake. Water is a snake and grass is a snake and snake is wind and water but snake is not grass. Upon reading this, the reader can picture the kite trailing behind the little boy flying along the grass. To his mind the blips, twists and bops of the kite as it skims the surface of the grass seems to be that of a snake moving, like water and wind make things move, he associates such movements with the only things he understands. The narrator repeats similar ideas and sentences, reinforcing the scene in the writers mind. The child that he is, his mind is very easily distracted oscillating from one idea to another and back gives a sense of a whirlwind of ideas, as is with any 5 year old, making the story highly realistic. He is as any young boy fixated on his kite. His thoughts move from his kite to the ocean to his sister and back to his kite. Further, the multiple use of the word ‘and’ only increases the descriptive nature of the story. The reader does not have to use his imagination, the story paints a picture; â€Å"There are no trees except the ones far away, just a clothesline and flat yellow grass and big grass hissing in the back†. This in itself is evidence of where the family was vacationing. The use of the word ‘and’ as well as multiple adjectives to describe the same situation lends to the story a higher degree of realism. This can be seen further â€Å"When I open the refrigerator, fog falls out the way the sun does here† The use of highly descriptive words are almost poetic in the way that they convey an emotion or activity, as only done by a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why women should not be able to work in Law enforcement Essay

Why women should not be able to work in Law enforcement - Essay Example There are many colleges and universities in united state that are promoting the studies of law enforcement and related diplomas and degrees by indicating it as the best future job in the form of law enforcement and homeland security. As a result of such campaign, many people are attracting toward this profession including women too. The career of women in law enforcement is possible. It is the need of the hour to register more women as the law enforcers. The crime rate of women is rising high every day and drugs related matters have become the sole issue for the women to see the prison. Due to the drug law violation, federal prisons have more than 72% women prisoners and in state prisons, 31% of women are guilty of the crime. I in research of amnesty international USA, they have mentioned those in federal women’s correlation facilities, 70% of guards are male for serving female. All these statistics showed that there is a high need of female candidates in the law enforcement d epartment. Anyone who is interested must have an idea about the background of the law enforcement tasks and must have courage to face the people who don’t consider women as equal fellows. Since ancient times, several cultures and different beliefs have shaped the society and determined the roles and duties of women as different as men. In general way, women are considered as weak gender and therefore, their jobs are only associated with family, children and home. On the contrast, men are considered as strong gender and assigned the powerful positions not just in home but also at the place of work. With time, when women earned the equal rights, several opportunities arrived for women in different sectors of the society. One such example of the women opportunity place is affirmative action. With this, the never ending dispute of male and female position initiated. In this world, every person has its own concept and viewpoint regarding male and female workers. Many people believ e that women are not appropriate for jobs they select to work for. They feel that women are incapable of performing several tasks including the law enforcement jobs. There are few people who are against the women working for the homeland security and they consider home as their place of work. Moreover, there are others who say women and law enforcement are two separate entities. Since 150 years ago, the shifting of women towards the law enforcement took place. From that period, women are not free from the barriers like discrimination in jobs, sexual harassment, inappropriate treatment, low salary and double standards towards them. The job of law enforcement is known to be as the male dominated sector. Therefore, this sector has shown very slow pace in grabbing the women to the posts. The law enforcement task is male dominated due to the reason that this job needs power and strength that makes the women inappropriate for the job because they lack both. Women are known to be as physic ally and mentally incapable to handle the job. The same concept is very much in the today’s world of law enforcement departments and agencies. During the period of 1972, the Supreme Court passed the legislation recognized as Civil Rights Act, Title VII and according to this; all the agencies will be liable for lawsuit in case of any discrimination against the women qualified for the post (Stephens 500). With the help of several lawsuits and court orders regarding the problem, the agencies were forced to hire the women who are qualified for the job. However, there were many agencies of law enforcement that didn’t obey the rules and took all the steps to avoid the qualified women to get the post. The practice of the Supreme Court was halted in 1977. In

Monday, September 23, 2019

Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Germany - Essay Example To begin with, Germany has well matured culture of Music, in the past, it successful ride since it has produced the best classical music composers of the world who among them; Beethoven and Bach Mozart (Bernstein, 2004).These two musicians played a very important role during the transition face in music when the world was moving from classical music to romantic music especially in the western countries (Bernstein, 2004). It is because of this successful history of music in Germany, that has seen Germany establish the fifth largest music market in the world and this simply means that Germany is still interested in preserving its culture in music industry .The culture of Germany in terms of music, has been identified with originality unlike in America where the culture of music has been influence by people moving from the Diaspora and settling in the country. Germanys have maintained the use of traditional foods. Most restaurant in Germany, prefer preparing traditional foods, although the food differ from one region to the other. For example, people who stay in the northern part of Germany, like eating fish that has been prepared in their traditional ways while those who stay in the Rhine region prefer taking their original beer as compared to wines that are being introduced in the country. Generally, Germania’s have maintained their traditional foods and they have resisted any assimilation into taking other foods unlike in the United States, where dishes that are prepared in the various regions vary with the kind of immigrants who have settled in those areas Germany has been known for its great contribution in the field of science, this has been made possible by the fact that Germany has maintained a strong historical back ground in research and adventure. Some of the fields that Germany has been credited for having played a key role include; invention and engineering (Bernstein, 2004).For example, Johannes Gutenberg was credited for the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dra DB X Rod Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dra DB X Rod - Assignment Example The style of speaking is another thing that cannot be found in the original Shakespeare’s text. Neither there’re all those means of expression a visual art implies. The composition of Shakespeare’s text is defined by words, developments of a plot, but a theatrical performance requires much more means. Thus, main difference between what’s written and the performance is that characters communicate with each other within a play using their body languages, accents, moves and etc. while words are simply a starting point. They are only a scheme for performance. For this reason valuable is a work of a playwright, and specifically, a script written for a play. Script isn’t a simple guide of words, but rather a basic for every performance. It’s the above mentioned scheme for acting, and on every stage of production team’s turning to a script. When planning a performance, the main challenge is to handle all the means of expression (including use of a stage space) and therefore, all the individual performances made by actors together, because on a final stage of production, a play should turn into a single

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Aalto university Essay Example for Free

Aalto university Essay Student reports serve as an important source of information for potential outgoing exchange students in regards to the various exchange programs available to GSOM students. An individual’s study abroad experience is as unique as the exchange programs provided by GSOM. As every report will be available for viewing at the GSOM website, these contributions will aid in the decision-making process for future outgoing exchange students. The topics below are meant as an aid only. Students are encouraged to use their imagination, while remaining as specific and detailed as possible. The use of pictures, articles from different sources or any other materials that would contribute to the report would be of great use to these reports. Please send your reports and any other supporting materials to GSOM International Office by e-mail [emailprotected] pu. ru FOR REGISTRATION: Skvorcova Ekaterina Your host university: Aalto University School of Business Your study program at GSOM: Master in Corporate Finance Your level and year (for ex. : bachelor, 3rd yr. ): 2nd year Master The semester and year that you studied abroad: Fall 2012. See more:  First Poem for You Essay BEFORE DEPARTURE WHAT DO YOU WISH THAT YOU HAD KNOWN BEFORE LEAVING FOR YOUR HOST SCHOOL? INVITATION/VISAS Firstly I received a letter from my host university, it offered me to fill an application form with approximate choice of courses. Then I was offered to book an accommodation and only after it Aalto University sent me an invitation for visa. It was worth asking them to scan it, because by post it took 3 months. The cost of visa is 250â‚ ¬, it’s called a permission for living, it was done in 3 weeks. For this permission one needs valid  passport, 4 photos, insurance and an invitation from Aalto University. AFTER ARRIVAL INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Helsinki Assosiation of Business students is known for its reliability. They’re called ‘buddies’. They organize plenty of programs for incoming students – picking-up service, parties, travels and so one. I really liked Walrush Day, Sport Days and some parties orgabized by KYY Assosiation. INTERNATIONAL INTRO WEEK? Unfortunately my permission for living was giving to me from 8th of September, but an Orientation Day was held the day before. I heard, that Orientation program took a few days or one weekend, where all incoming students had possibility to know the University, city center and each other. CULTURE SHOCK My host University were really helpful, every professor or coordinator were eager to help with every problem. As for culture shock, it was not so severe, because our nordic cultures are similar somehow. CAMPUS FACILITIES Comparable with GSOM facilities, the building is not so pretty, but all the services are the same – Wi-Fi access, computer access, library. It was not necessary to bring your own computer. ACADEMICS COURSES Every semester consists from 2 parts – for example, fall semester, the 1st part – from 10th of September till 22th of October, the 2nd part – till 15th of December. Before the beginning of each part a student have some time to choose courses, definitely, it’s worth not wasting your time and register for them in the very first day of registration. Needles to say, one should read carefully the description of the courses and priority of students, I was rejected to registration of two courses, because one of them was only for CEMS and another for finnish students as priority audience. Finally I passed 4 courses: New Product Development, Behavioral Finance and Decision Making, Management and Strategy Making, and Spanish Business Communication. In general the workload is not heavier comparable with GSOM, but it depends on the courses and teacher’s methods. TEACHING The style of teaching is not dramatically different from GSOM one, the material is covered sometimes more deeply, speed is lower. Quality of teaching is perfect, class participation is obligatory. Style of teaching is mixed with seminars, lectures, a lot of group projects. EXAMS I’ve taken 3 common exams and 1 book exam. If you have less time, it’s better to pass a book one, moreover you have 3 chances to pass them. CORPORATE CONTACT AND INTERNSHIPS Was there a strong corporate presence at your host university? Were you able to use the host schools career services and were there any internship opportunities? LANGUAGE COURSES If your exchange period is less than half a year it’s not worth studying Finnish, because it’s quite complicated. But Aalto University offers a lot of other opportunities for you with foreign languages such as Spanish,  German, French mostly with native speakers in a very interactive mode. HOUSING FACILITIES One of the first steps in filling the documents was choosing my accommodation. Aalto is a partner with HOAS which offers different kinds of accommodation for incoming students, you can choose whatever you want. I’ve chosen a room in 5 km from University, almost in the Center (5 min by train), it costs 390â‚ ¬ per month. COSTS/EXPENSES †¢ accommodation 390â‚ ¬ per month †¢ textbooks everything you can find in a library †¢ local transportation (buses, trains) 22â‚ ¬ per month. †¢ food/groceries (is this more or less RUR than in St. Petersburg? ) 200â‚ ¬ per month †¢ entertainment – very expensive BANKING If your stay in Helsinki is less than 2 years it’s not worth to open up a bank account, because in this case it would be not free, you can easily use your Russian bank account, everywhere you can pay using it. Finnish people use cash very rarely, so it’s not worth taking a lot of cash, just for the case when something is wrong with your bank account. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES There is a health care insurance for all students who buy a student card, I’ve never used it. It costs 50â‚ ¬. SOCIAL EVENTS I’ve noticed that mostly exchangers associate mostly with domestic students rather than with others. It’s good to join KYY Association, they offer a lot of entertainment. SPORTS/RECREATION Unisport (gym + group trainings) is the best way to keep fit here, it’s not so expensive for students (42â‚ ¬ per 3 months) STUDY TOURS/FIELD TRIPS Excursions are not mandatory, their duration depends on the place. It’s good to know that everything is twice more expensive. WHAT TO BRING Laptop, camera, sleeping bag (for trips). GENERAL IMPRESSIONS The school is really worth visiting with all of their facilities, exchange students are crazy that’s why your stay will be unforgettable, but as for me Finland is not so friendly. REPORT CARD On a scale from 1- 5 (with 5 being best, 3 being acceptable) rate your host university on: 3 Academic value of your stay: 4 The experience in general: 4 Are you willing to give us permission to list your e-mail address at the end of this report so that students can contact you if they have questions? [emailprotected] ru.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Palliative care: Clinical experience

Palliative care: Clinical experience The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on a clinical experience in palliative care and demonstrate the knowledge and skills associated with this. The symptoms, symptom management and government guidelines and standards will also be discussed in relation to how this will impact the care of the patients who are experiencing life threatening illnesses. This will be achieved through using Gibbs (1988) model of reflection. I chose this model of reflection because it is clear and cyclical model which allows the reflector to revisit the same problem and also to examine my practice which will help me to develop and improve in the future. Description As an adult nursing student, I will be reflecting on an experience with a patient who was receiving palliative care that I encountered during my community placement. The patient received palliative care and required management of symptoms to help maintain their quality of life for the patient and their family. This involved a patient, who will be named Mr. Jones for confidentiality reasons. Mr. Jones was an elderly patient who had been diagnosed with bowel cancer along with liver metastases, the cancer was in the advanced stages. Mr. Jones was being cared for at home by his wife and carers who visited him at home twice a day to help with getting him up, washing and dressing and helping him back to bed. The district nursing team also visited him on a regular basis. When meeting with the patient his main concern was his pain control and available options which he would be able to receive to manage this. Feelings Initially when I heard about the diagnosis I was intrigued and wanted to find out more about the patient and their condition. When I met the patient I felt sympathetic towards him and the family and upon discussion he revealed that he felt like ‘giving up and ‘ending it all. A mixture of thoughts entered my mind, although I could understand why he would want to give up, the only reason was because he was worried about the pain he was starting to experience. When the nurse and I discussed the pain control options he appeared to be more positive about the situation and apologized for what he had said. On reflection it was a positive experience as it allowed me to see how people cope differently with terminal conditions, and the impact it has on the family and carers. Evaluation During this experience I thought that the nursing team had built a good professional relationship with the patient and their family. The patient had plenty of time to discuss any concerns or issues that he had .The issues discussed such as symptom management were all assessed and prioritized well; how the patient is feeling is important and needs to be taken into consideration. This would also need to be discussed with his wife alone, to find out how she is feeling and to offer her support. When discussed further, the feelings of ‘giving up related to his pain management. This is why the Visual Analogue Scale was used for a couple of weeks to monitor the progression of his pain (Crichton 2001). I found the tool to be beneficial for effective management of pain because it was a good indicator as to when we would need to adjust his analgesia using the World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder (WHO, 2005). This aims to give the correct drug, correct dose, given at the corre ct time and proves to be inexpensive and 80-90% effective (WHO, 2005). This ensured the patient was in the least amount of pain which enabled them to carry on with activities of daily living. Analysis The World Health Organization (1990) has defined palliative care as: â€Å"The active total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. Control of pain, of other symptoms, and of psychological, social and spiritual problems is paramount. The goal of palliative care is the achievement of the best quality of life for patients and their families.† Caring for those receiving palliative care in the community during the end stages of life requires an extraordinary commitment from the nursing team, not only human resource but also competence, compassion and focus in anticipating the needs of the patient and family. It is a complex activity involving a holistic approach, building relationships together with expert professional skills and decision making processes (Melvin 2003). As well as pain, other common symptoms during advanced cancer are nausea and vomiting, with rates ranging from 50-60% (Kearney and Richardson, 2006). It is important to treat the reversible causes of nausea and vomiting before resorting to antiemetics. This can be achieved by appropriate assessment and documentation of symptoms which evaluate the effect of treatment given and can be completed and reviewed quickly to utilize less patient energy and nursing time (Kearney and Richardson, 2006). Cancer patients also experience psychological or affective symptoms of fatigue which include lack of energy and motivation, depression, sadness and anxiety, the sense of willpower and ‘fighting spirit is often lacking and personal resources that have usually kept a person going in the past are ineffective (Juenger, 2002). Fatigue can take away the ability to do things that the patient and family want to do or need to do. The control over life events reduces, further affecting the persons qu ality of life. An essential part of nursing care for fatigue includes returning some of that control. Giving information can be a positive way to do this. Nurses can explain that the person is not alone in the experience as fatigue is an expected occurrence in advanced cancer and discuss the causes of fatigue, effects and side effects of treatment and the impact of stress and depression, this will help the patient to manage the fatigue more effectively (Porock, 2003). Mr. Jones was prescribed oral slow-release Morphine Sulphate for his pain, however he was beginning to experience break through pain, nausea and vomiting which was making it difficult for him to take his morphine. We suggested he kept a record of his pain over a couple of weeks using a visual analogue scale (VAS). When we visited him again we were able to use the VAS to assess his pain and make changes to analgesia as appropriate using the analgesic ladder. From the assessment it was appropriate to increase his analgesia to step 3 of the analgesic ladder (WHO, 2005). A syringe driver was prescribed to administer morphine and an antiemetic over a 24 hour period which could be increased or decreased as required. Providing drug compatibilities have been checked, a combination of three drugs can usually be administered safely with the advantage that vomiting will not affect absorption, as it is given subcutaneously and the gut is not involved (Thompson, 2004). Although using a syringe dr iver improves symptom management with minimal inconvenience, complications can arise and nurses should be able to recognize these quickly and solve the problems efficiently (Lugton, 2002). The disadvantages of using this equipment is the painful injection site, infection risks and infusion rate problems (Thompson, 2004). Mr. Jones commented on ‘giving up and after further discussion, we found this related to his pain. Evidence shows that there is a link between chronic pain and depression as they share similar physiological pathways, whilst social and psychological factors appear to affect the severity of it and when they co-exist the severity of both conditions appears to worsen (Gray, 2001). Ineffective management of psychiatric disorders can be caused by failure to recognize, diagnose and treat appropriately in palliative care settings with 50% of psychiatric disorders being undetected (Payne et al, 2007). Patients with cancer should have access to appropriate psychological support and should be assessed regularly by trained professionals as recommended by National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE, 2004). Many people may wish to try complementary and alternative medicines to improve symptoms of their cancer, the reason being many feel dissatisfied with conventional medicine and feel the desire to experience holistic health care for symptomatic relief with a sense of well being (Nayak et al 2003). Auricular acupuncture (acupuncture to the ear), therapeutic touch, and hypnosis may help to manage cancer pain, whilst music therapy, massage, and hypnosis may have an effect on anxiety, and both acupuncture and massage may have a therapeutic role in cancer fatigue (Mansky and Wallerstedt 2006). However there is a lack of evidence to support that complementary and alternative medicine treatments are effective, the risks associated with them are unknown and can potentially be harmful. There has been increasing concern with the use of botanicals and dietary supplements by cancer patients because of the potential interaction between them and prescription drugs (Mansky and Wallerstedt 2006). During this experience, I realised just how important communication is, not only in this situation, but any situation that includes the patient, relatives, carers and multi-disciplinary team. Communication is an essential part of good nursing practice and forms the basis for building a trusting relationship that will greatly improve care and help to reduce anxiety and stress for patients, their relatives and carers (NMC 2008). Groogan (1999) acknowledges that communication is not something that people to do one another, but it is a process in which they can create a relationship by interacting with each other. From Mr. Jones perspective, patient-focused communication can be the most important aspect of treatment, due to its capacity to exacerbate or relieve the fear that often accompanies cancer, with evidence of effective communication resulting in decreased anxiety, greater coping ability and adherence to treatment (Dickson 1999). Communication can be divided into three types; cogn itive, emotional and spiritual. Cognitive communication involves the giving and receiving of information, emotional communication involves the feeling and expression of psychological responses and spiritual communication involves the expression and feeling of thoughts relating to existing issues beyond the person (Fallowfield Jenkins 1999). When speaking with Mr. Jones and his family the language used was clear and easy to understand. Stress, emotions and fatigue that accompany a terminal illness make it necessary for the information to be repeated to ensure the patient and family have absorbed it and feel reassured (Latimer 2000). Mr. Jones was given enough time to discuss his concerns and issues without feeling like he had a limited period or that the nurses had many other patients to see, however, what often matters is the quality of interaction rather than the length of time. Giving a few moments of time which are totally focused on the patients communication needs can often limit the amount of time spent communicating later when further explanation or clarification is needed (Faull et al, 2005). Mallet and Dougherty (2000) suggested that patients tend to be more dissatisfied with poor communication than with any other aspect of their care and concluded ineffective communication continues to be a major issue in health care. The Department of Health has produced the End of Life Care Strategy (DoH 2008) which promotes high quality care for all adults at the end of life which is the first for the United Kingdom and covers adults in England. Its aim is to provide people approaching the end of life with more choice about where they would like to live and die. In addition, the Macmillan Gold Standards Framework (2003) is another way of combining many different practices. The framework includes 7 Gold Standards which relate to key aspects of care, and guidelines for best practice on teamwork and continuity of care, advanced planning, symptom control and support for patients and their carers. Primary Health Care Teams who join the programme are guided and supported through a combination of workshops, resource materials and networking (Macmillan Cancer Relief 2003). In place is also the NICE clinical guidance on supportive and palliative care (NICE 2004) which advises those who develop and deliver cancer service s for adults with cancer about what is needed to make sure that patients, their families and carers, are well informed, cared for and supported. These initiatives had a positive impact on Mr. Jones as the nurses were able to use these guidelines to offer Mr. Jones the best care suited for him and he was then able to make informed decisions regarding the care he would like to receive. These initiatives also have a positive impact on health care professionals as they are supported and encouraged to improve their knowledge through workshops and resource materials. Action Plan/Conclusion My reflection of this experience has taught me how complex it is caring for someone receiving palliative care. It requires a holistic approach to ensure the patient and the family receive the best possible care in accordance with the guidelines and standards, in which they must remain empowered and make informed choices regarding their care and treatment with the help of health care professionals. I now understand how complicated symptom management can be; cancer patients experience many symptoms from their condition and also side effects from their medication. Assessments are vital to ensure the appropriate treatment and management of symptoms. The importance of communication has been brought to my attention once again, in my future nursing practice I will focus on my communication skills as this is an essential part of good nursing practice and plays a vital role in palliative care. Although this was an upsetting experience it has also been a positive one as this will affect my fut ure nursing practice a great deal as I have gained vital skills to look after those receiving palliative care and I am now aware of the various strategies and frameworks in place to ensure patients and families receive a high standard of care.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dead Sea :: essays research papers

General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: The audience will know that the Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life, why the sea is so salty and the health benefits. Thesis or central idea: The Dead Sea has a unique environment Main Points: a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water anywhere b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment Introduction: You know why they call it the dead sea? Because absolutely nothing live in it. It is some of the salties water anywhere in the world. My love for geology grew out of an experience with a friend whos child was doing a earth science project on plate tectonics and needed help. I’ll never forget the name of the book â€Å"Earth in Motion† it left a lasting impression on me and led me to study more on this subject. I’ve been reading about this for approximately 10 years and am always amazed at the new material I find . My latest discovery was that the Dead Sea is one of the salties bodies of water anywhere, that it is devoid of all plant and aquatic life and that it has become a major center for health research and treatment. I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is one of the salties bodies of water anywhere A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is completely landlocked B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is continually fed water from the rivers and streams coming down off the mountains that surround it. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No river drains out of the Dead Sea 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only way water gets out of the sea is through evaporation II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The water in the Dead Sea is deadly to most living things B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though the Sea is deadly to most living things humans are remarkably adaptable to the seas salty conditions. Humans can swim is the Dead Sea, just like they swim in the ocean 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humans don’t really swim in the sea, instead they just â€Å"hang out 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because of th extremely high concentration of disolved mineral salts in the water its density is way more that that of fresh water, which means are bodies are more buoyant in the Dead Sea. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dead Seas deep black clayey sediment, previously covered with water at times of higher sea level, are being mined for therapeutic purposes and for the preparation of cosmetic products under the name ‘Black Mud’.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Dante's Inferno is a 14th- century poem that seems calculated to cause the greatest possible pain to a 20th-century humanist, or to anyone who is attracted to Christianity because of its compassion and belief in the possibility of redemption. The God of the Inferno has precious little compassion and no forgiveness. He was the God who not only turned a blind eye to Belsen, but also exercised great ingenuity in constructing His own blood-chilling concentration camp, where sinners should suffer, not only during their brief lives, but for all eternity. What is particular about Dante's God is that He consigns sinners to their particular circle in Hell according to an immutable tariff of offences. No attention is paid to mitigating circumstances, or the idea of doing justice to the individual soul before the Divine Court. Hell, in short, was made on exactly the lines that the present Home Secretary would wish to impose on our present sentencing system. How do we reconcile the enjoyment of a great poem with what must seem, to many of us today, a repellent theology? Ulysses may best capture our own views in his speech to his sailors. He celebrates the dignity of man and says: "You were not bornto live as a mere brute does/ But for the pursuit of knowledge and the good". But such sensible humanism is, apparently, no better than the excuses of the gluttons and the adulterers. Ulysses is condemned as a thief and must suffer in Hell. In an admirable Preface to Robert Pinsky's translation, John Freccero deals with past attempts to enjoy the poem without revulsion. Coleridge advised us to "suspend disbelief" and enjoy the poetry without accepting the theology. Erich Auerbach suggested we separate "Dante's didactic intent from his power of representation", and held that the reality of the condemned characters overwhelmed their allegorical meaning. Perhaps we should simply remember how Dante suffered from the ruthless power-seeking and political intrigue in Florence and take Hell as an accurate picture of politics today. George Steiner, the distinguished critic and polymath, has suggested in his book In Bluebeard's Castle that the Holocaust is the Christian idea of hell made real and that the most knowledgeable guide to the camps is actually Dante. Robert Pinsky, the recently appointed poet laureate of the United States, was asked to comment on this notion in an interview in The Forward that marked the publication of the poet's acclaimed translation of Dante's Inferno.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Weakness of Human Nature in Dantes Inferno Essay -- Human Weaknes

Dante's "Inferno" is full of themes. But the most frequent is that of the weakness of human nature. Dante's descent into hell is initially so that Dante can see how he can better live his life, free of weaknesses that may ultimately be his ticket to hell. Through the first ten cantos, Dante portrays how each level of his hell is a manifestation of human weakness and a loss of hope, which ultimately Dante uses to purge and learn from. Dante, himself, is about to fall into the weaknesses of humans, before there is some divine intervention on the part of his love Beatrice, who is in heaven. He is sent on a journey to hell in order for Dante to see, smell, and hear hell. As we see this experience brings out Dante's weakness' of cowardice, wrath and unworthiness. He is lead by Virgil, who is a representation of intellect. Through Dante's experiences he will purge his sins. Within Canto 1, we see Dante leaving a dark forest. This forest represents all the human vices and corruption, a place similar to hell (canto 1, line 1-5, Alighieri). Dante wants to reach the hill top, where is sunny and warm, rather than be in the damp and cold forest. The hill top represents happiness and is a metaphor for heaven. But his path is stopped by three animals: a leopard (canto 1, line 25, Alighieri ) , lion (canto 1, line 36 Alighieri ) and she wolf (canto 1, line 38-41, Alighieri ). Each one represents a human weakness: the leopard is lust, the lion pride and the she wolf is avarice. They show that on the earthly plain human sin is a continual and harmful temptation. These animals try to strip him of his hope, his hope in the fact that he will some day be in heaven with God. They are temptations to lead him away and block his way to the hill top. Th... ... shall see, will change and become the man that Beatrice wanted, and it's all by choice and by rejection of hell and all that the dark forest entails. Work Cited Alighieri, Dante. "The Inferno." The Divine Comedy. Trans. John Ciardi. New York: First New American Library Printing, 2003. Work Consulted Lummus, David. "Dante’s Inferno: Critical Reception and Influence." Dantes Inferno. Engerda: Arun, 2000. 63-79. Print. Internet Sources Consulted Brown, Sapphire M. "Referenes to Dantes Inferno." Humanities 360. 8 Jan. 2009. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. â€Å"Dante Alghieri and The Divine Comedy.† 2013. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. "Dante Alighieri." Academy of American Poets, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. Wetherbee, Winthrop. "Dante Alighieri." Stanford University. Stanford University, 29 Jan. 2001. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A radical democrat: King’s Last Campaign

The task of this paper is two-fold; first, this paper will trace and explain the evolution of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s belief that war, racism and economic injustice are all intertwined and can be dealt with the restructuring of society’s priorities and addressed the necessity of a revolution of values; second, this paper will also explain how he carried out his beliefs in the Memphis Strike and the Poor People’s Campaign in 1968 [what the author and University of Washington professor, Michael K. Honey called â€Å"Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign†]. At the onset of this paper, it is important to note that King’s ‘background’ [which includes his race, habituation, education and religion among many others] is crucial in his struggle against racial discrimination, violence and economic injustice as experienced by blacks in the United States of America. The son of a minister, he was habituated in the teachings of Christianity and was able to attend and complete his formal education with degrees in sociology, theology and divinity. King was a pastor himself at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama in the year 1953 prior to finishing his doctoral degree in systematic theology from Boston University on 1955. What prompted the Memphis Strike? Memphis in 1968 was ruled by a paternalistic â€Å"plantation mentality† embodied in its good-old-boy mayor, Henry Loeb. Wretched conditions, abusive white supervisors, poor education, and low wages locked most black workers into poverty (Honey, 2007). This characterization of the political, economic and social conditions of the blacks in Memphis in 1968 by Honey may be cited as cases of â€Å"manufactured and institutionalized oppression†. By manufactured and institutionalized oppression, I mean oppression which involves the mechanisms of law and power relations the basis of which is against the ‘natural law’. Natural law theorists, following the thoughts of St. Augustine that â€Å"an unjust law is not a law at all† and Aquinas’ notion of â€Å"law as an ordinance of reason†, view morality as essentially tied up with the very essence of law. How does King figure in all of this? How can we explain the evolution of King’s ideological perspective? The point is clear: Oppression and unfair treatment of individuals is not morally valid nor is it morally permissible most especially if the basis of such is the individual’s ethnicity or race. As the Kantians believed, each person has a capacity for rational deliberation and choice and as such, an autonomous being with dignity and therefore, ought to be respected by virtue of being human persons. The evolution of King’s ideological perspective may therefore be construed in such way that it is a product, both of his experiences as a black living in a white-dominated society and his philosophical and political development and this may be inferred from Fairclough’s book, â€Å"Martin Luther King, Jr.†, 1995. King’s speeches very clearly communicate his views: â€Å"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality†¦.I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits[†¦] (as cited by Carson, 1998). Three important points about King and his political thrusts, philosophical orientation and as to why he may be called a â€Å"radical democrat† may be inferred from the aforementioned quotation. First, as a leading figure in â€Å"civil rights movement† King believed in the tenets of democracy and liberalism in the sense that he believed that both white and black Americans must have fair treatment in the realm of the law, for the purpose of law itself is the administration of social justice. Second, he believed in the â€Å"non-necessity of violence†. Influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s â€Å"civil disobedience†, he believed that there are peaceful ways in and through which the problem of political and economic injustice may be resolved. It may further be inferred that for him, political, economic and social change can best be achieved not through violence [and that the government should not keep itself busy from going to war, as in the case of the Vietnam War] nor by transforming a portion or a sector of society but what is needed is a restructuring of the society as a whole. King believed that a â€Å"revolution of values† is a matter of strict necessity. King’s views may be identified as â€Å"radical† in this sense. He emphasized the need to restructure even how we think about black Americans or African Americans. It may be inferred that racism, the feeling of being superior over another race or ethnic group or nationality is grounded on the wrong premises; wrong modes of thinking and reasoning. It is by transforming our psyche and by appealing through reason and conscience that society as a whole may chart its rightful path towards genuine social change. Third, he believed and fought not only for civil rights but also for economic changes especially labor rights and lobbied for law reforms to be enacted to protect Negroes from exploitation and oppressive schemes adopted by employers. These include fair treatment and equal work opportunity, just compensation, etc. This is how he carried out his beliefs in the Memphis Strike and the Poor People’s Campaign. King served as a voice crying for the emancipation not only of black Americans but also of other human beings from the chains of oppression. Based on the above discussion, we can see why King believed that the problems and conflicts brought about by war, racism and economic injustice are all intertwined. What we can infer from his views is the interweaving and interconnecting patterns brought about by racism itself. But racism is not in itself the root of the problem; it is merely an effect of a traceable cause. This cause, this root of racism, is none other than a distorted value system, a wrong frame of mind resulting to feelings of superiority and even contempt and hate which further results to taking an unfair advantage of other human beings, plus a very materialistic market essentially driven by capital. The fault is, at bottom, deeply embedded with the minds of persons and a wrong value system, a wrong sense of pride and nationality, for it fails, in the Kantian sense, to respect persons for the sake of being human persons, not as mere means and tools that another person or race may use but as ends-in-themselves, possessing the capacity for rational thought, capable of making rational choices and thereby, beings that are autonomous and dignified and for the aforementioned reasons, deserve to be respected. References: Carson, C. A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Warner Books; Reprint edition (January 1, 2002). Fairclough, A. Martin Luther King, Jr.: University of Georgia Press, c. 1995. Honey, M. Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King's Last Campaign: W. W. Norton (January 15, 2007).   

Cowgirl Chocolates Essay

1. What are some of the critical strengths and weaknesses of Cowgirl Chocolates that determine the success of this small business? Can the weaknesses be overcome by the strengths of the business? Some of the critical strengths of Cowgirl Chocolates that determine the success of this small business include product differentiation, quality, flexible return policy, and personalization. Cowgirl Chocolates is very modern creation since it meets the needs of a specific market of spicy and chocolate fans by combining both cayenne, a spice, and chocolate, a sweetener. The business also is known for using premium ingredients in all of the chocolates it offers. The business not only offers a flexible return policy, which gives customers a full refund guarantee if they end up disliking the spicy truffles but also facilitates trial purchases for customers interested in the spicy chocolates. The company also uses personal notes in the Web site orders in order to build customer satisfaction. Some of the critical weaknesses of Cowgirl Chocolates include having a high production cost, not having a tailored mission statement for this specific business, and lacking focus. Cowgirl Chocolates has to pay a lot of money for the packaging, ingredients, and travel expenses to make the hot caramel dessert sauce. The business also is unfocused because of weak distribution, there is no product definition or market research, and the target market is thus dispersed due to not having a properly defined consumer base. Yes, the weaknesses can be overcome by the strengths of the business if the business spends time focusing on the weaknesses listed in order to build a more successful small business. 2. Using the total product view, describe the â€Å"hot and spicy chocolate truffle† offered by Cowgirl Chocolates? Based on this product view do you think this product will be readily accepted by consumers? Why or why not? The â€Å"hot and spicy chocolate truffle† offered by Cowgirl Chocolates were offered in several flavors such as plain chocolate, mint, orange, lime tequila, and espresso. The plain chocolate, mint, and orange truffles were wrapped in gold wrappers, the lime tequila truffles were wrapped in green wrappers, and the espresso truffles were wrapped in red wrappers in order for the customer to recognize that this truffle was extra spicy and hot. Personally, I believe the packaging of the truffles is not fully understandable because red does denote something hot, while the other flavors wrappers don’t fully translate to being hot and spicy. The truffles were also available in gift boxes, drawstring muslin bags, a collectible tin, and also in a plastic bag if the customer chose to purchase the truffles on the Cowgirl Chocolates website. Personally, I do not believe that consumers will readily accept this product because the general market of consumers will more than likely purchase sweet, milky chocolates over hot and spicy chocolates. The purchase of Cowgirl Chocolates fully depends on whether the consumer likes the taste rather than attractive packaging and different experience. 3. What market do you think the â€Å"hot and spicy truffles† is competing in—the hot and spicy food market, the chocolate candy market, the gift niche market, or other? Personally, I believe the â€Å"hot and spicy truffles† are competing in the chocolate candy market because when one thinks of the name â€Å"Cowgirl Chocolates† the word â€Å"chocolate† comes to mind rather than hot and spicy. The hot and spicy food market is strongly associated with spices, sauces, Mexican foods, and Spanish influenced foods. Cowgirl Chocolates thus seems more likely to be successful in the chocolate candy market rather than the hot and spicy food market due to the unique packaging of the truffles, the brand name given to the product, and the premium ingredients and price. 4. What is your assessment of Marilyn’s promotional efforts? In order for Marilyn to increase the sale of her chocolates, should she use a push or pull communication strategy? Personally, I believe that Marilyn has been very effective with her promotional efforts in order to create customer demand. Through the use of her award-winning recognition for packaging at various art shows, advertising in her local newspaper, the Soviet Awards recognition of her unique and tasty products, and presence and involvement with Seattle Chocolates have thus far helped bring some awareness for her product. In order for Marilyn to increase the sale of her chocolates, she should use a pull communication strategy because the more publicity she is able to gain for product and creative packaging, the greater awareness she will thus be able to gain for her business. 5. As you examine Exhibit 2, you will note that Cowgirl Chocolates offers several gift packages (1/4 pound, 1/2 pound, 1 lb., gift bucket, gift basket, nothing fancy) that range in suggested retail prices from $8. 95 to $59. 95. Given these price and packaging alternatives what type of product (convenience, shopping, or specialty) is Cowgirl Chocolates? Based on this classification would the buyer decision more likely to be a routine, limited or complex decision? Explain your reasoning. Given these price and packaging alternatives I believe Cowgirl Chocolates are specialty products because they are more expensive and thus for the most part exclusively distributed in either specialty stores or gift stores. By classifying Cowgirl Chocolates as specialty products, buyer decision would more likely be a limited decision because it requires putting though in the shopping process and therefore the decision whether to purchase or not purchase the product the product takes place in a store environment where the display of the products is thus very important to whether or not the customer will thus end up purchasing the product. 6. The suggested retail price and wholesale prices of Cowgirl Chocolates products are displayed in Exhibit 2 along with the product and packaging costs. Based on this information, discuss the relative merits of using a cost-based, demand-based, or competition based pricing method. The relative merits of using a cost-based, demand-based, or competition based pricing method include recognizing the that the retail prices are pretty much double the wholesale price. Thus, the combined packaging costs and the imported chocolate make these high-quality products very costly even before markups on the products are made at both the wholesale and retail level. Similarly, when one compares the price of for example, the half pound tin, that seems very expensive when compared to a 24 pack of Lindor Chocolate Truffles which costs $12. 00 a bag. 7. Construct a table consisting of the generic marketing mix strategies. Based on what you know about Cowgirl Chocolates, what marketing mix plan would you recommend to Marilyn and why? Based on what I know about Cowgirl Chocolates, I would recommend gift purchases to Marilyn because gift purchases are strongly influenced by both situational and temporary conditions, which thus allow for numerous opportunities to purchase Cowgirl Chocolates. Furthermore, these chocolates are very appropriate to give to a male consumer because research shows that men like hot and spicy foods more so than women. Cowgirl Chocolates would also be a good small gift to someone hosting a party or a dinner since a lot of consumers look around for a small gift in order to say thank you to the hostess.? 8. For a small business like Cowgirl Chocolates, what benefits and/or potential problems does a website offer? For a small business like Cowgirl Chocolates, a website offers both benefits and potential problems. The benefits include providing Marilyn the opportunity to build an online customer database and a database with customers who are thus repeat customers. Another benefit includes the business Cowgirl Chocolates to gain online awareness by being features on the appropriate online portals like chocolate candies and unique gift products. The potential problems include the possibility of sales increasing online and Marilyn thus must figure out a way to manage the increasing demand which might include having to pay additional costs in both packaging and shipping and additional labor costs in order to prepare the packages.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fast Moving Consumer Goods Essay

FMCG are products that have a quick shelf turnover, at relatively low-cost and don’t require a lot of thought, time and financial investment to purchase. The margin of profit on every individual FMCG product is less. However the huge number of goods sold is what makes the difference. Hence profit in FMCG goods always translates to number of goods sold. Fast Moving Consumer Goods is a classification that refers to a wide range of frequently purchased consumer products including: toiletries, soaps, cosmetics, teeth cleaning products, shaving products, detergents, other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products and plastic goods, such as buckets. ‘Fast Moving’ is in opposition to consumer durables such as kitchen appliances that are generally replaced less than once a year. The category may include pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics and packaged food products and drinks, although these are often categorized separately. The term Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) is used interchangeably with Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). Three of the largest and best known examples of Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies are Nestlà ©, Unilever and Procter & Gamble. Examples of FMCGs are soft drinks, tissue paper, and chocolate bars. Examples of FMCG brands are Coca-Cola, Kleenex, Pepsi and Believe. The FMCG sector represents consumer goods required for daily or frequent use. The main segments of this sector are personal care (oral care, hair care, soaps, cosmetics, toiletries), household care (fabric wash and household cleaners), branded and packaged food, beverages (health beverages, soft drinks, staples, cereals, dairy products, chocolates, bakery products) and tobacco. The Indian FMCG sector is an important contributor to the country’s GDP. It is the fourth largest sector in the economy and is responsible for  5% of the total factory employment in India. The industry also creates employment for 3 people in downstream activities, much of which is disbursed in small towns and rural India. This industry has witnessed strong growth in the past decade. This has been due to liberalization, urbanization, increase in the disposable incomes and altered lifestyle. Furthermore, the boom has also been fuelled by the reduction in excise duties, de-reservation from the small-scale sector and the concerted efforts of personal care companies to attract the burgeoning affluent segment in the middle-class through product and packaging innovations. Unlike the perception that the FMCG sector is a producer of luxury items targeted at the elite, in reality, the sector meets the everyday needs of the masses. The lower-middle income group accounts for over 60% of the sector’s sales. Rural markets account for 56% of the total domestic FMCG demand. Many of the global FMCG majors have been present in the country for many decades. But in the last ten yea rs, many of the smaller rung Indian FMCG companies have gained in scale. As a result, the unorganized and regional players have witnessed erosion in market share. History of FMCG in India In India, companies like ITC, HLL, Colgate, Cadbury and Nestle have been a dominant force in the FMCG sector well supported by relatively less competition and high entry barriers (import duty was high). These companies were, therefore, able to charge a premium for their products. In this context, the margins were also on the higher side. With the gradual opening up of the economy over the last decade, FMCG companies have been forced to fight for a market share. In the process, margins have been compromised, more so in the last six years (FMCG sector witnessed decline in demand). Current Scenario The growth potential for FMCG companies looks promising over the long term horizon, as the per-capita consumption of almost all products in the country is amongst the lowest in the world. As per the Consumer Survey by KSAT echnopak, of the total consumption expenditure, almost 40% and 8% was accounted by groceries and personal care products respectively. Rapid  urbanization, increased literacy and rising per capita income are the key growth drivers for the sector. Around 45% of the population in India is below 20 years of age and the proportion of the young population is expected to increase in the next five years. Aspiration levels in this age group have been fuelled by greater media exposure, unleashing a latent demand with more money and anew mindset. In this backdrop, industry estimates suggest that the industry could triple in value by 2015 (by some estimates, the industry could double in size by2010). In our view, testing times for the FMCG sector are over and driving rural penetration will be the key going forward. Due to infrastructure constraints (this influences the cost-effectiveness of the supply chain), companies were unable to grow faster. Although companies like HLL and ITC have dedicated initiatives targeted at the rural market, these are still at a relatively nascent stage. The bottlenecks of the conventional distribution system are likely to be removed once organized retailing gains in scale. Currently, organized retailing accounts for just 3% of total retail sales and is likely to touch 10% over the next 3-5years. In our view, organized retailing results in discounted prices, forced-buying by offering many choices and also opens up new avenues for growth for the FMCG sector. Given the aggressive expansion plans of players like Pantaloons, Trent ,Shopper’s Stop and Shoprite, we are confident that the FMCG sector has a bright future. Budget Measures to Promote FMCG Sector 2% education cess corporation tax, excise duties and custom duties Concessional rate of 5% custom duty on tea and coffee plantation machinery Budget Impact The education cess will add marginally to the tax burden of all FMCG companies The dividend distribution tax on debt funds is likely to adversely affect the other income components of companies like Britannia, Nestle and HLL The measure to abolish excise duty on dairy machinery is a positive for companies like Nestle Concessional rate for tea and coffee plantation machinery is a positive for Tata Tea, HLL, Tata Coffee and other such companies Top Ten Players in FMCG Sector Companies:- 1. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 2. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company) 3. Nestlà © India 4. GCMMF (AMUL) 5. Dabur India 6. Asian Paints (India) 7. Cadbury India 8. Britannia Industries 9. Marico Industries 10. Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care In order to carry out any research investigation there is a need of a Systematic method and to adopt a well-defined procedure for each and every research there is also a need of methodology. Methodology of any research constitutes the selection of representative sample of the universe or the general population, application of the appropriate research tools and the techniques. There is an old saying in Spain â€Å"TO BE A BULLFIGHTER YOU MUST LEARN TO BE BULL† means you never really understand a Person until you consider things from his point of view . In the same way to meet and satisfy the target customer the study of customers behavior of crucial important because he is king. Customer behavior studies , how individuals , groups and organizations selected buy use and dispose of goods , services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and Desires. According to JAMES F. FUGAL, â€Å"Customers behavior consists of the acts of individuals in obtain and using goods and services including the decision process that precede and determine these acts. The research involves the following steps:- 1. DEFINE THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:- If the problem is clearly defined, it is half solved .The problem/Objective here to assess the scope of rural marketing for FMCG sector. 2 – COLLECT THE INFORMATION:- The information is collected from secondary sources-websites, magazines, newspapers, and magazines. 3- ANLAYZE THE INFORMATION:- The next step in the marketing research process is to exact Findings from the collected data. 4-PRESENT THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS:- As the last step, the findings and conclusion of whole Research are presented in the end. ANALYSIS OF FMCG MARKET The research report offers insights into the dynamics of growth in a competitive market environment. The salient features of development the survey have identified include:- The improvement has been much more pronounced in volume terms than in value terms for most of the products. One of the greatest achievements made by the FMCG industry has been the ‘sachet’ bugs which have helped the companies to introduce products in smaller package sizes, at lower price points and reach new users and to expand market share for value added products in urban India. Several cost saving measures, various tax benefits, rising demand, good monsoon have helped the industry to achieve positive growth. Most of the multinational companies have started sourcing their products from India. HLL has become the production center in respect of personal consumer products like oral care, skin care products, soap, detergents globally for Unilever. There  has been a trend from shift to own manufacturing from third party manufacturing or procuring goods from third party small-scale manufacturers. Though the companies are going global, they are focusing on the overseas markets like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Middle East and CiS countries because of the lifestyles, consumption habits similar to India. Godrej Consumer, Marico, Dabur, Vicco laboratories are among the companies. The offshoots and mushrooming of regional companies which are posing a threat to bigger FMCG companies like HLL. The rise of Jyothi Laboratories, throwing challenge to Reckitt Benckiser is a case in point. FMCG market remains highly fragmented with almost half of the market representing unbranded, unpackaged home made products. This presents a tremendous opportunity for makers of branded products who can convert consumers to branded products. There is competition between the organized and the unorganized sectors in the FMCG sector. Marketing and distribution are very important in FMCG companies. New products require a large investment in product development, market research, and awareness campaign, developing franchise for a new brand advertisements, free samples and product promotions. All these developments have made the consumers strong, who are in a position now to choose a variety of products, from a number of companies, at different price points. Bargaining power of customers is high. Key factors to success are distribution (in rural markets) and advertising (in urban markets). Critical factors for success are the ability to build, develop and maintain a robust distribution network. The fact that a lot of women have started looking for specialized products has driven growth. Post liberalization period provided the consumers the opportunity to make choices amongst the products of domestic companies and imported products

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Passion and responsibility in Edith Warton’s “Ethan Frome” Essay

Set in 1881 Starkfield, Massachusetts, Edith Warton’s _Ethan Frome_ reveals a recurring theme found in literature: â€Å"the classic war between a passion and responsibility.† In the novel, published in 1911, protagonist Ethan Frome confronts his two private passions, his desire to become an engineer that conflicts with his moral responsibility to his family and his passion for Mattie Silver that conflicts with his obligations to his sickly wife, Zenobia Frome. Ethan, being a man of responsibility, places the needs and wants of his family, before his own, which causes him to experience only â€Å"[s]ickness and trouble† and â€Å"that’s what [he’s] had his place full up with, ever since the very first helping† (12). The reader sympathizes with Ethan’s struggles as he abandons his studies at Worcester, considers running away with Mattie, and even attempts suicide with Mattie. When Ethan is confronted with family obligations, his desire to become an engineer ceases and, as a result, he leaves Worcester. Later in his, life he starts to realize that leaving Worcester also meant that he would forget about all of the things he learned. Because Ethan was unable to finish his education as Worcester, he looks at the book that the speaker left him and knows that would be â€Å"things in that book that [he] didn’t know the first word about† (14). Though Ethan had to leave Worcester prematurely, he thinks fondly of his university days and longs to recreate them. Ethan’s â€Å"best  parlour† (112) that he uses as a sanctuary is modeled after a professor he had at Worcester. His professor, a minister, fed Ethan’s curiosity by lending him books. However, Ethan’s sense of responsibility made him give up the knowledge he loved and even years later he clings onto the spark of knowledge that he gained from university. Ethan’s longing to run away with Mattie is obliterated by his overpowering responsibility to his wife. Wharton poses a striking contrast between the two women, using light and warmth to represent Mattie and dark and coldness for Zeena. Mattie brings out a part of Ethan that he had lost when he left Worcester. Ethan embraces this newly found self with the desire to talk to her and not be the shy man he was in his Worchester days. To Ethan â€Å"all his life was lived in the sight and sound of Mattie Silver† (35), and because of her he has found a new happiness. However, this newfound happiness can be eradicated by a mere mention of his wife’s name. Zeena’s name â€Å"threw a chill between† (73) Ethan and Mattie. Zeena’s character juxtaposes the character of Mattie; all the warmth that Mattie brings into the Frome home turns wintry when Zeena is present. Ethan’s responsibility to Zeena causes him to stay in the cold town of Starkfield. Even the townspeople believe that Ethan has â€Å"been in Starkfield too many winters† (7). When Ethan is around Mattie he is filled with â€Å"a warm sense of continuance and stability† (45). Yet Zeena stands in the way of Ethan being with Mattie like he so frequently imagines. This causes Ethan’s heart to be jerking â€Å"to and fro between two extremities of feeling† (95), his responsibilities lie with Zeena but Mattie inflames his passions. Red is the archetypal color for passion and it reflects Ethan and Mattie’s inability to act on their mutual desire for one another. When Mattie first arrives in Starkfield she wears a â€Å"cherry-coloured scarf†(27) and later a â€Å"streak of crimson ribbon† (71) through her hair that catches Ethan’s attention. Ethan â€Å"had taken to the girl from the first day†(*******) and his passion for her never left him. Ethan and Mattie’s rebellious attempt at suicide is inhibited by his thoughts of Zeena. Ethan learns that Zeena wishes to send Mattie away and replace her with a hired girl. He knows that he should respect his wife’s decision but feels that his â€Å"heart was jerking to and fro between two extremities of  feeling† (95). Ethan chooses this path with Mattie because it is her last hope, without living in Starkfield and moving with no job experience she only has one thing to offer. Ethan knows this, but also tries to ignore it thinking that she might get a better life, he tries to help but he â€Å"can’t lift a hand for† (138) Mattie. He has tried every possibility, so together Ethan and Mattie finally go coasting. With Starkfield alight below they â€Å"looked ahead with rigid faces† (138). Everything passes by in a blur, all that matters is that Ethan and Mattie are together and they are in their own world. Mattie suggests going down again b ut this time they will â€Å"never come up anymore† (143). Ethan’s final request is for Mattie to sit behind and † to feel [Mattie] holding [him]† (146). It is Ethan’s own clash of emotions that cause him to agree with Mattie’s suggestion that the two of them should commit suicide by coasting into the elm tree at the bottom of the hill. Everything goes to plan until â€Å"his wife’s face†¦thrust itself between him and his goal† (147), causing him to swerve, but he soon rights it. Instead of hitting the tree head on, the two hit it on the right side. The â€Å"smash-up† (4) is not enough to kill them but it does leave the pair seriously injured. When he hears Mattie’s twittering sounds of pain, Ethan realizes his failed rebellious action and his sense of responsibility returns. Ethan hears his horse begins to whinny and thinks to himself that â€Å"[he] ought to be getting [the horse] his feed† (149). Frome’s injuries remain as a constant reminder of his inability to escape his responsibilities. In _Ethan Frome_ the progonist Ethan Frome cannot escape his responsibilities in his life, whether it be his parents or his wife. Now he also has a new weight to carry, along with the responsibility, it is that Mattie’s condition is his fault. Ethan learned that responsibility trumps passion in all forms, he tried to follow his passions but he could not escape reality. That reality is a life with Zeena taking care of Mattie, and Ethan living his hard life with seeing everyday what he did to the love of his life. Wharton’s use of the responsibility vs. passion motif in her novel Ethan Frome is very apparent. Frome is haunted by his own responsibilities first to his mother and father and then later his responsibility regarding his marriage to Zeena. It is these responsibilities that stand in Ethan’s way of  achieving a â€Å"paradise,† whether it be in the form of an education at Worcester, or a relationship with Mattie Silver.

Friday, September 13, 2019

State sovereignty 'led inexorably to the Holocaust and atomic warfare' Essay

State sovereignty 'led inexorably to the Holocaust and atomic warfare' - Essay Example Two major historical traumas that occurred in the 20th century – the Holocaust and atomic warfare, both involved countries that exercised its full sovereign rights which led many nations to the Second World War. Around six million Jews died in the hands of the Nazi, a political party which represented the legal government of Germany in 1933 (Florida Center for Instructional Technology, 2011). On the other hand, over 200,000 Japanese civilians died when the United States aircraft dropped atomic bombs in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- a decisive action of the United States to put an immediate end of war and prevented further loss of lives (The Atomic Archive, 2011). Looking back at the scale of atrocities done by totalitarian and militarist governments over the past century, the role and obligation of the world community to intervene in the state affairs during humanitarian crises confronts a crucial challenge to the idea of state sovereignty. In today’s globalized community, the act of a state or group of states to use force in order to protect the lives of people other than their own citizen defies the main tenant on the codification of state sovereignty – that is the right of a state to exercise its ultimate authority within its territory. Viewpoint & Assumption Can the catastrophic events of the Holocaust and atomic warfare be attributed to the absolute exercise of state sovereignty? To examine this position, a careful analysis of the sovereignty principle and an exploration of the historical events are needed in order to establish the claim. This is rightly done so, because to say that the concept of state sovereignty contributed to the escalation of these catastrophic events of the Second World War is to recognize the justification of humanitarian intervention – the deliberate action of the international community to prevent human rights abuses of governments to its citizen. In this regard, the paper argues that while humanitarian intervention during the Second World War could have prevented the violence of authoritarian states, most nations could not readily commit to wage war because of its social, political and economic cost. The intervention itself can be rightfully justified; because the moment both Japan and Germany entered to war, it already submitted its sovereignty and challenged other nation’s sovereign rights. However, the international community is hesitant in intervening with authoritarian states not only because of social and economic implications of war, but also because no interest was at stake for these nations. The same issue persists on the humanitarian intervention or the lack of it, done in Libya, Syria, and Rwanda. To establish this viewpoint, a historical background of the Second World War events and the prevailing belief about the exercise of sovereignty will provide a better context for the argument. Then, a detailed discussion on the basic principles of sta te sovereignty will establish a clearer understanding for the idea of sovereign right. Following this discussion is the careful examination of the social, political, and economic reasons for the indecision and delay to intervene with German and Japanese powers. The Parallel Events of WWII While it may be argued that the holocaust and the atomic warfare are two distinct events that led to the loss of millions of lives, the main idea is that Germany and Japan were both authoritarian states that touted its some of its people to commit human rights violence during the Second World War. Hitler ordered the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and the mentally challenged while the Imperial Japanese Army under Emperor Hirohito committed killings against millions of civilians and prisoners of war in China, Korea, and other Asian countries. While these atrocities were committed, it must be noted that the social and economic conditions of major nations such as the United States,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Human cloning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human cloning - Research Paper Example According to the beliefs of Human Cloning Foundation (HCF), cloning technology is to find out a solution to enormous diseases and to prolong the survival rate. The technology could be utilized for blood cell cloning, organ cloning, treating cancer and to cure infertility. It could be exploited for cosmetic and plastic surgery and to prolong the aging. The technology could be used to overturn heart attacks. The technique utilizes embryonic stem cells for mending and reinstate damaged tissues. It could be used to replace skin tissues for burn victims, to replace damaged brain tissues, spinal cord cells or for regenerating tissues of various malfunctioning or non-functioning organs. Research is also underway to procure the cure for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, Arthritis, plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, limb amputation, breast implants, replacement of faulty genes, chromosomal anomalies, liver and kidney transplantation (Smith). As every technology comes with enormous pros and cons so do cloning. The moral predicament of human cloning lies on the argument to promote or to impede cloning. Cloning is a kind of asexual reproduction, it therefore reduces the sense of distinctiveness of a character and there lacking uniqueness and freedom.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Power and Politics Paper Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Power and Politics Paper - Research Proposal Example Power and politics go side by side in an organization and if they are separated, the organization is affected negatively. Organizational politics are employed to gain reputation, to get some self-concerned benefit, to get promotion, to get financial increase, to get influence, to make decisions, to attain power, to get knowledge related to some confidential information and much more (Aronow, 2004). Organizational leaders such as the employers and other persons having power and influence make use of organizational politics to support the organization in terms of its interests. Leaders after attainment of information concerning organizational politics and their impact make use of them in order to enable the organization to get benefits in all terms such as expansion, financial gains and business development and much more (Aronow, 2004). While politicizing any issue in an organization, the leaders make sure that they inform about their participation to the management. They also make sure that they are backed by the management in their decisions and proposals. In change management and management of crises, organizational politics play a significant part (Malott, 2008). The organizational leaders have to identify and gather the people that are at their side. People are gathered at one side only because of organizational politics. Leaders are considered at the back of organizational politics as they exercise enough authority and influence on other employees of any organization. For the obtainment of power and influence, again organizational politics play a crucial role. The leaders are able to get reputation on the basis of the power that they can exercise on their co-workers (Malott, 2008). Politics can be found in any group working together. Some people consider that organizational politics are wholly disruptive. These people attempt at staying away from all kinds of organizational politics because according to them hard work