Tuesday, November 26, 2019

s First Dialogue

Berkeley’s First Dialogue is one of the three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to skeptics and atheists. The dialogue commences with an unexpected meeting between Philonous and Hylas. Philonous comments that he is surprised to see Hylas in the garden, so Hylas replies that he is there because he could not sleep. The reason for this being that he had a problem which could only be cured with nature’s sensational beauty. His problem was of â€Å"considering the odd fate of those men who have in all ages, through an affectation of being distinguished from the vulgar, or some unaccountable turn of thought, pretended either to believe nothing at all, or to believe the most extravagant things in the world† (Philosophic Classics, 653). In addressing Hylas’s burden, Philonous sought to prove his own â€Å"absurdity,† maintaining that â€Å"no such thing as material substance [exists] in the world† as a rational deduction. After a series of rational conundrums leading to the glorification of his philosophic theory, Philonous continues his discourse: But, for your farther satisfaction, take this along with you: that which at other times seems sweet, shall, to a distempered palate, appear bitter. And, nothing can be plainer than that divers persons perceive different tastes in the same food; since that which one man delights in, another abhors. And how could this be, if the taste was something really inherent in the food?† (659) The above quotation basically means that â€Å"one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.† Philonous’ (Berkeley’s) view (of pleasure and pain) is especially reasonable, for it is a universal clichà © that is still be applied to modern man. Pleasure and pain are two different emotions or sensations, yet they are one and the same. One man might derive pleasure through seeking bloody revenge, while another man may mourn the death of his beloved comrade. â€Å"Warmth is as great a pleasure as h... 's First Dialogue Free Essays on Berkeley\'s First Dialogue Berkeley’s First Dialogue is one of the three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to skeptics and atheists. The dialogue commences with an unexpected meeting between Philonous and Hylas. Philonous comments that he is surprised to see Hylas in the garden, so Hylas replies that he is there because he could not sleep. The reason for this being that he had a problem which could only be cured with nature’s sensational beauty. His problem was of â€Å"considering the odd fate of those men who have in all ages, through an affectation of being distinguished from the vulgar, or some unaccountable turn of thought, pretended either to believe nothing at all, or to believe the most extravagant things in the world† (Philosophic Classics, 653). In addressing Hylas’s burden, Philonous sought to prove his own â€Å"absurdity,† maintaining that â€Å"no such thing as material substance [exists] in the world† as a rational deduction. After a series of rational conundrums leading to the glorification of his philosophic theory, Philonous continues his discourse: But, for your farther satisfaction, take this along with you: that which at other times seems sweet, shall, to a distempered palate, appear bitter. And, nothing can be plainer than that divers persons perceive different tastes in the same food; since that which one man delights in, another abhors. And how could this be, if the taste was something really inherent in the food?† (659) The above quotation basically means that â€Å"one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.† Philonous’ (Berkeley’s) view (of pleasure and pain) is especially reasonable, for it is a universal clichà © that is still be applied to modern man. Pleasure and pain are two different emotions or sensations, yet they are one and the same. One man might derive pleasure through seeking bloody revenge, while another man may mourn the death of his beloved comrade. â€Å"Warmth is as great a pleasure as h...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

If You Want Peace, Prepare for War

If You Want Peace, Prepare for War The original Latin of the expression if you want peace, prepare for war comes from the book Epitoma Rei Militaris,  by the Roman general Vegetius (whose full name was Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus). The Latin is, Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. Before the fall of the Roman Empire, the quality of its army had begun to deteriorate, according to Vegetius, and the decay of the army came from within itself. His theory was that the army grew weak from being idle during a long time of peace and stopped wearing its protective armor. This made them vulnerable to enemy weapons and to the temptation to flee from battle. Vegetius quote has been interpreted to mean that the time to prepare for war is not when war is imminent but rather when times are peaceful. Likewise, a strong peacetime army could signal to would-be invaders or attackers that the battle may not be worth it.   Vegetius Role in Military Strategy Because it was written by a Roman military expert, Vegetius Epitoma Rei Militaris is considered by many  to be the foremost military treatise in Western civilization.  Despite having little military experience of his own, Vegetius writings were highly influential on European military tactics, particularly after the Middle Ages. Vegetius was what was known as a patrician in Roman society, meaning he was an aristocrat. Also known as the  Rei Militaris Instituta,  Vegetius book was written sometime between 384 and 389. He sought a return to the Roman military system of legion formation, which was highly organized and depended on a disciplined infantry. His writings had little influence on the military leaders of his own day, but there was a particular interest in Vegetius work later, in Europe. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, because he was the first Christian Roman to write about military affairs, Vegetius work was, for centuries, considered the military bible of Europe. Its said that George Washington had a copy of this treatise.   Peace Through Strength Many military thinkers have modified Vegetius ideas for a different time, such as to the shorter expression of peace through strength. Roman Emperor Hadrian (76–138) was probably the first to use that expression. He has been quoted as saying peace through strength or, failing that, peace through threat. In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase Speak softly and carry a big stick. Later, Bernard Baruch, who advised Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, wrote a book titled Peace Through Strength about a defense plan. The phrase was publicized widely during the 1964 Republican presidential campaign and was used again during the 1970s to support the construction of the MX missile. The adage justified the Cold War buildup of nuclear missiles as a deterrent to war. Ronald Reagan brought peace through strength back into the limelight in 1980, accusing President Jimmy Carter of weakness on the international stage. Said Reagan: We know that peace is the condition under which mankind was meant to flourish. Yet peace does not exist of its own will. It depends on us, on our courage to build it and guard it and pass it on to future generations.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Warming Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Warming - Speech or Presentation Example Our Earth is a finely balanced miracle of nature. Changes in one area create a ripple effect which touches each of us. Glacier thaws increase sea levels. Warming directly impacts weather patterns which affects every facet of nature: plant growth, species survival, and water resources to name a few. I would rather say there are many here who would still think global warming will not affect them much. Take a moment and consider what it would be like to walk outside and not hear a songbird singing or on a larger scale think about turning on your tap to get a drink of water and there is none or going to the grocery store only to find shortages of staples because of drought. Today I want to speak with you about Global Warming by first explaining briefly what it is, how it is measured and what affect it has upon our world. We'll briefly discuss how the earth's temperature and other weather conditions have been negatively impacted by the effects of global warming. And at last, I will explain simple steps we can all take to reduce the effects of Global Warming. In order to understand the magnitude of the problems associated with Global Warming, we first need to understand exactly what it is. According to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Global Warming is "an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate patterns" (EPA, 2007, 1). Warming of the earth occurs naturally through reflection back to earth from the sun's rays by natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Without these gases the surface of the earth would not be able to sustain life as we know it now. The most recognizable greenhouse gas is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which often is associated merely with car emissions. This however is not entirely true. CO2 is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas. The problem lies when we introduce manmade greenhouse gases into the atmosphere disrupting the natural balance and quantity of these gases. I don't want this to become a science lecture so we will not go into further detail about the types of gases. Rather, we need to examine the causes and quantities of these increased levels and the impact they have on our planet. During the 20th century we have made remarkable technological advances which have improved our way of living. However, these advances have not come without a price. Since 1900 the surface temperature of Earth has risen by approximately 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, since we have been recording weather data it has been documented that the warmest global temperature averages are increasing. The hottest averages have occurred within the last 15 years. The highest temperatures averages recorded occurred in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Further, the United States while only accounting for five percent of the world population is responsible for production of 25% of the manmade greenhouse gas emissions (EPA, 2007, 1). The impact of global warming is already being felt worldwide. Glaciers melt, reduction of the permafrost in the artic and Antarctica regions have already been documented. This melt has resulted in rising sea levels. Additionally, because of these climatic changes brought on by global warming we are experiencing a redistribution of wildlife including plants and animals. As we all have noted there has been a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Television shows of Criminal Justice System Research Paper

Television shows of Criminal Justice System - Research Paper Example This show even shows that negative side of the criminal justice system as at certain times these investigators act against policies and even misuse their power in interrogations. 24 is even a television show in which federal agents of the federal agencies work to counter terrorist activities (Sutherland, 2002). The main focus of this show is an agent who used to work with the Counter Terrorist Unit and was continuously added and removed from the unit for conducting mal practices. This show provides a very negative image of federal agents and the tactics they use to obtain confessions from criminals and suspects. The tactics they represent in these shows are very harsh in nature and can even lead to death. On the other hand, this show even paints a positive image of the federal agency officers because at the end of the day the agent is able to solve criminal cases and defend his nation and this show even paints a picture that working according to the book at all times does not solve c riminal cases. Burn Notice is a television series that depicts that an under cover intelligence operative was fired and asked to leave his duty as an under cover operative (IMDB, 2012). In this series, the officer tries to figure out why he was suspended from his duties and who were responsible from letting him off from his duties (Donovan, 2008). During this process he continues to provide detective work for the community and he helps catching various criminals but he does so in an illegal manner as he does not have a job.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cultural Sensitivity Essay Example for Free

Cultural Sensitivity Essay The San Joaquin Valley of California is nestled in the center of the state. Within the San Joaquin valley the rich culture of the Mexican people can be seen in almost every facet of living. There are also many nursing schools in the area, approximately five in the area in which I reside. The most current statistic from the census bureau regarding the percentage of Hispanics in Tulare County is 62. 3% (USCB, 2014). This means that over half of the inhabitants of the county are Hispanic. The knowledge, understanding and grasp of cultural sensitivity on the part of non-Hispanic as well as Hispanic nurses is paramount in being able to give the best possible care. The purpose of this writing is to inform the reader of the need to address cultural sensitivity towards the Mexican and Mexican American people and their battle with diabetes. This is a very prevalent disease in this county and amongst this ethnic group. Cultural competency is paramount in communicating effectively and getting the message across that diabetes is a serious but manageable condition (Grant and Letzring, 2003). Mexican American Culture and Diabetes In the Tulare, County area the Mexican American culture can be seen in all areas of healthcare. Many of these people are diabetic. Cultural and dietary differences create challenges in dealing with diabetics in this demographic. Nurses that are culturally competent to their town, city, state or country and who understand what makes up their population may find it more manageable to communicate with their Hispanic patients (Wood, 2004). An excellent article on this subject is entitled Leisure time activity of Mexican Americans with diabetes. This article deals with the issue of Mexican Americans and what they do or do not do in their leisure time and how it affects their diabetes. The aim of the research was to find the proportion of Mexican Americans with diabetes who do and do not exercise as well as preferred types of leisure time 3 Cultural Sensitivity according to age and gender. In addition, the question of the relationship between leisure time activity and treatment of diabetes is discussed. This study found that only six of every ten Mexican Americans with diabetes exercise (Wood, 2003). It was also found that gardening and walking were the most preferred type of leisure time activity. Cultural differences are machismo, language barriers and spiritual beliefs. This can make it challenging for the treating nurse to accomplish his or her tasks. Nurses and Mexican Culture Nurses may find it challenging however, understanding the Mexican culture and learning more of their language is most helpful. In professional practice a registered nurse will find it helpful in knowing that in the Mexican culture it is common for the man to be the strong leader of his family. Also, the men will not want to be present during visits to the Doctor for what they deem as female problems which can be anything from a UTI to a breast exam. In addition there is a culture of hot and cold that affects much of the health and lifestyle of the Mexican American patient. Many refer to placing heat on a hurt area, thereby increasing inflammation to what may be an injury. At other times ice is placed on an area of the foot that is itching. The itching is coming from a tingling they feel that is related to diabetic neuropathy. It should be noted that many Mexican Americans are what many term as Americanized, meaning that they are and have become mainstream in the American culture vs the Mexican culture. However, because many are raised by Mexican parents they too, are just like many of us, bicultural with one culture being dominant. Touch is also an important aspect for nurses to consider in treating the Mexican American. In those that are Americanized this is not an issue. However, for those that are still deeply rooted in their Mexican culture the sex of a nurse could be an issue and create barriers to 4 Cultural Sensitivity care. An example of this would be a male nurse treating a married female. These types of circumstances can make treating their diabetes more difficult. Wood states that In the USA, Mexican Americans are twice as likely to have diabetes then non-Hispanic whites. This deems attention to the need for nurses to be culturally competent. Some of the competencies a nurse needs in treating the Mexican American patient are finding out if they speak English, if they raised in the United States, and finding whether they are second, third or fourth generation and so on. In treating the Mexican American patient the nurse can also offer information in a simple manner. Many times, due to a macho personality that has been glorified in the culture the patient may feel offended or condescended to. In addition one can simplify too much and this too could compound the problem. There is a fine balance that can be made easier to navigate by conversing and educating patients in what may seem a non-clinical approach. Conclusion The need for nurses to be culturally competent is paramount in giving the best possible care. In this group being competent in knowing how to treat a Mexican American patient in the best way possible is to be sensitive in communication by addressing the patient and at times the entire family as this is very normal for their culture. The article that is the subject of this writing concludes by stating several of their findings one of which is that employment and responsibilities limits the time they have for leisure to early evenings when it is dark and safety becomes an issue. Treating diabetes in this ethnic group is best done by realizing what the culture believes, thinks and what it is they eat. I find the eating part just as enjoyable as the rest. 5 Cultural Sensitivity References Barker, A. M. Denisco, S. M. (2013). Advanced practice nursing: Evolving roles for the transformation of the profession. (2nd ed. ). Connecticut: Jones and Bartlett. Grant, MS, RN, L. , Letzring, JD, EdD, T. (2003). Status of Cultural Competence in Nursing Education. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing Health, 9(2), 6-6. United States Census Bureau. (2014, December 4). Retrieved January 21, 2015, from http://quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/00000. html Wood, F. (2004). Leisure time activity of Mexican Americans with diabetes. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 45(2), 190-196.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Saudi Arabia: History of Relationship to US :: essays research papers fc

Although the United Sates and Saudi Arabia present the United States and Saudi Arabia’s relationship as excellent, there are actually two nations who have bitter disagreements but who allies through oil. The only thing that has held this alliance together is the US dependence on Saudi oil. The United States has felt and still fells that it is a necessity to have bases present in the Middle East to protect oil, and silently to protect Israel. The relationship began in 1933 when Standard Oil of California signed an agreement with the Saudi government. In 1943 FDR affirmed that the defense of Saudi Arabia was a vital interest to the United States and moved troops into the region. Future presidents would emulate this declaration and mobilization of troops to Saudi Arabia. Again in 1945 Abd al Aziz, the Saudi king, and FDR would cement this alliance, on a US warship in the Suez Canal. Soon after, airfields were constructed at Dhahran and other spots over Saudi Arabia; beginning a long tradition of US military facilities in Saudi Arabia. Abd al Aziz was the first of his line of successors to meet with US presidents. The relationship was only strengthened with the onset on the Cold war, as the US used the bases in Saudi Arabia as potential air force launch sites to the USSR and constructed more military facilities. In 1941 Harry S. Truman made another assertion of Americas protection and alliance with Saudi Arabia to Abd Al Aziz. Truman stated that â€Å"support for Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity and political independence was a primary objective of the United States.† (Countrystudies.com) Another stipulation of this pact was that the US established a permanent military training mission in the Saudi Arabia. That mission lasted until 1992. Soon after the pact between Truman and Aziz was agreed upon the US-Saudi relationship would endure its first major disagreement. On May 14th, 1948 Israel was declared an independent state in the former Ara b dominated Palestine. Israel’s independence was backed the United States. Saudi Arabia refused to acknowledge the country of Israel and to engage in any relations with them. The Saudis concerns of the Israel-US relationship were reinforced in the 1970’s and 1980’s when the US sold arms to Israel, but refused to sell arms to Saudi Arabia. In some cases congressional leaders refused to sell arms to Saudi Arabia on the grounds that Saudi Arabia might use them against Israel.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Crash Movie Essay Essay

One must never judge or discriminate a person based on their physical attributes. Prejudice and discrimination directed against someone of a different race is known as racism. It is evident in the movie â€Å"Crash† directed by Paul Haggis, that people misconceive others due to judgement on their physical traits. Throughout the movie, the characters living in Los Angeles face the challenges of fitting in a town populated by people of different colours. The offenders are the â€Å"white† people whereas the victims are everyone else. The presence of racism is the main cause of every conflict that occurs in the movie. The majority of the racism involved in the movie is towards the negro population. They are perceived as thugs, thieves and murderers. In the beginning of the movie, two black friends, Anthony and Peter, are walking in a strictly â€Å"white† neighbourhood feeling discriminated as they chat amongst themselves, being racist towards white people. They mention how they are seen from a white person’s point of view and at that moment, Jean Cabot and her husband walk towards their car. The two pull out their guns and aim at their heads, taking away their vehicle. The two boys are dressed in baggy sweaters, displaying a thuggish style, which provokes Jean’s judgement on them. Anthony has cornrows and Peter is wearing a toque, as they walk with â€Å"swag†. Later on, Jean snaps at her husband and mentions how she was already aware that the two black friends were going to steal their car 10 seconds before it actually happened, based on their physical appearance. Racism towards black people is also highlighted through the character of Officer John Ryan. As Ryan is driving, he is told on the radio, that a car has been stolen, Jean Cabot’s car, and another car of the same model is driving ahead of Ryan. Knowing that the vehicle in front of him isn’t the stolen car, Ryan makes the driver, a black man, pull over and he molests his wife, leaving them humiliated, which creates a drift in the married couple’s relationship. Cameron, the black driver that was pulled over by Officer Ryan, remains quiet while his wife is being touched by the officer because he is afraid. If he speaks up, not only will he put in jail but he will also be humiliated if his colleagues find out. Racism isn’t only towards the black population of the town, it is demonstrated in many other ethnicities as well. Jean Cabot is a woman who believes her race, white, is superior than any other race including black and hispanic. Jean is also very rude towards her maid Maria, and she gets angry at her over the littlest things. She is also convinced that mexicans are gangsters so, when Daniel is changing the locks at her house, she demands that they get redone the next day, fearing that Daniel will sell a copy of her house keys to one of his gangster friends. Farhad, a persian man with a strong accent, is also humiliated by a gun store owner when he’s trying to buy a gun. The victims of racism realize that the behaviour towards them is unfair so they find ways to stand up for themselves. Cameron, with his marriage life a stake, snaps at police officers when he is pulled over once again. Officer Tom Hansen saves Cameron’s life otherwise, the other police officers would’ve shot him. Cameron was once mistreated which shook his family life and created a gap between him and his wife therefore, he didn’t want the white people to take control of his life. Daniel, who was always mistaken for a gangster was finally fed up with it. As he was fixing the locks of Farhad’s store, Farhad calls him a cheater because he thought Daniel didn’t do his job. Daniel doesn’t take the money from Farhad and leaves, having done his job properly, yet Farhad believes that Daniel is a liar. Not only do the victims stand up for themselves but the offenders also realize the grave mistake they were making by judging people based on their looks. Officer Ryan sees an accident and as a police officer, it is his job to rescue the injured people. When he goes to save the person in the car, he sees that it’s Cameron’s wife, the woman he molested earlier. She doesn’t want him touching her because he is the cause of her marital problems. After rescuing her, almost sacrificing his own life, he realizes that he was wrong about mistreating her earlier. Jean Cabot, the egotistical woman, falls down a flight of stairs, spraining her ankle and Maria, her maid she mistreated, helps her and takes her to the hospital. Jean, a lonely woman with fake friends, then realizes that the only person who’s true to you is the person who stands by you in the hard times, not the good times. She hugs Maria and tells her that she is her best friend. Throughout the entire movie, the only person who hadn’t discriminated anyone based on physical appearance was officer Tom Hansen. After watching Officer Ryan molest Christine, Cameron’s wife, he no longer wants to work with Ryan. He transfers to a different officer because he couldn’t take the racism Ryan had towards the citizens. Peter, asking for a lift, gets a ride from Hansen off the road. At first, Hansen notices Peter’s dirty shoes and torn sweater. In the car, Hansen is playing country music and Peter admits to liking country music but due to his appearance, Hansen doesn’t believe him. Usually people dressed like Peter enjoy rap or hip hop style. Frustrated Peter remarks a little statue on Hansen’s dashboard, similar to the one he has in his pocket. Peter then starts laughing and Hansen starts worrying and continuously asking Peter what he is laughing about. Peter doesn’t tell Hansen so, he pulls over and asks him to leave his car. Peter, trying to convince Hansen, reaches for his pocket to show the statue and tell him what he is laughing about but Hansen fears that Peter may be pulling out a gun to shoot at him. As Peter takes the statue out of his pocket, Hansen pulls the trigger and kills Peter. It is ironic because Hansen, the person who doesn’t judge anyone throughout the entire film, is the one who kills someone based on their physical appearance. Peter was the only person who died in the movie. Peter’s death was not a mistake. Hansen intended to kill Peter but only because of the way he was presenting himself and the way he was dressed. Anyone could’ve been mistaken but Hansen, amongst all the other characters, was least likely. Racism was one of the main themes that Paul Haggis was trying to show the viewers. Throughout the movie we see how citizens are discriminated, classified and generalized based on their physical traits. We also see how different cultures try to make other cultures inferior to them. Racism also shows a person’s tolerance and how they cope with difficult stages in life and what it takes to make them lose all their patience. People also reach a certain limit of disrespecting others and what triggers their conscience to finally be aware of the way they have mistreated the people around them is also evident in the movie. Racism is an issue that has been going on in the world for over a hundred years and it still exists today. In order to break the cycle of racism, we must seek into ourselves and think before discriminating others because someday, we can also be discriminated. Our world is filled with different cultures, people and colours, but at the end of the day, we are all human.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Effective communication Essay

Effective communication is vital for every organisation such as United Confectionary Ltd. It starts with the selection, recruitment and employment of qualified, skilled and experienced people. This guidance sheet for the new staff handbook should direct you through the recruitment and retention process. The first step of the recruitment process is to identify a job role. A vacancy may occur as more jobs are created as the business expands or restructures, also the retirement or dismissal of an employee can create a vacancy. The promotion of the jobholder can lead to a vacant job role or the jobholder could of left for alternative employee elsewhere. Once the business has notification of a vacancy, the next step is to create a job description. The job description is drawn up by the jobholder and has to include the job title and location, the main purpose of the job, a detailed list of the main tasks involved and the standards that are required by the company, the amount of pay and other benefits and lastly the person to whom the jobholder reports to. Using all the features needed I have made an example job description for United Confectionary Ltd who need to employ a sales team to be led by a sales director. To begin the job title would be sales director, the location of job is London and the department is sales . The main purpose of the job is make sure the sales team use the website created to help United Confectionary Ltd to maintain there position as the forefront of the confectionary market. The main tasks involved is to keep the website up and running without problems and to deal with sales directly from retailers and also making sure the sales team are doing their job correctly. The pay would à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½35,000 and benefits such as a company car. The person to who the sales director would need to report to would be the manager. In the job description you will also need to include a person specification. A person specification details the quality of an model candidate, which includes their health, qualifications, general intelligence, special skills, interests, personal qualities and personal circumstances. The person specification is usually written in smaller font under the job description, using all the appropriate details I have made an example person specification for the job description above. To start you need to have details of health, such as not being allergic to such things as chocolate. You would need to have minimum qualifications such as GCSEs in Maths, English and I, a-level is business and a minimum degree of 2.1 in Sales Marketing. Specials skills and general intelligence would be to have the ability to use the Internet comfortably and to create spreadsheets and databases. Work related experience would need to be included such as a year working an in general office environment. Interests would include hobbies for instance painting and cooking. Personal qualities would be to have the ability to work in team, having good organisational skills, able to prioritise workloads and good communication skills. The next step is to advertise the vacancy. There are traditional ways of advertising and more modern ways mainly Internet based methods as I will explain. The traditional ways of advertising a vacancy is in the local newspaper, the local shops in their windows, posters, career fairs and word of mouth. The more modern Internet based ways of advertising are advertising on your own website, on job websites or by web advertisement. After adverting the vacancy to reduce time and costs in advertising it may be more suitable to find an appropriate candidate internally. The advantages of finding candidates could increase motivation to work, opportunities for promotion will attract better staff to join the business, internal candidates are familiar with organisation and know most of the training and relevant information about the business. Also the candidates are known to the business meaning other workers have a existing working relationship with them. However there are disadvantages to finding candidates internally such as promotion may bring conflict, which could result, to workers leaving and an unhealthy work relationship. This also creates another vacancy that needs to be filled and also promoted employees may be expected to pick up a job without adequate time or training. You could also find candidates externally through schools, colleges and universities, job centres, employment agencies, recruitment consultants, advertisements in newspapers and professional journals. The advantage of finding candidates externally is that you have a wider range of applicants, there may be more suitable applicants and candidates may contribute new ideas to the organisation. Disadvantages of finding candidates externally is that is more expensive, new employees may need training and time to create a good working relationship with the employer and also external candidates are more aware of the job market. The next step is short listing. When applications have been received such as paper based curriculum vitae, application forms and online curriculum vitae and application forms. The most suitable candidates for the next stage must be identified. Candidates are short listed if they meet agreed criteria’s such as qualifications and experience, which is in the person specification. An impressive job application may help a candidate to get on the shortlist. Once a short-listed has been created the references are checked to confirm the list. The next step is to interview the candidates on the short list. When interviewing applicants you need to look at employability skills such as suitable qualifications, experience, knowledge of your products, being able to meet targets and the ability to observe a raise standards. Staff are an important part of every business. Keeping staff is very important for a business. This is known as staff retention. Retention is keeping employees at the workplace for as long as possible to benefit from their experience. Also if an employee joins the business and then decides to leave quickly the business has to go through the recruitment process again which costs time and money. They try to avoid this as it costs lots of money and also staff can begin feeling fed up and unhappy as they may have to do extra work until a new employee is recruited which could take time. Business have a measurement to work out how long staff are staying within the business and are able to work out targets to maintain a trend. The key measurement used is known as staff turnover where the number of staff leaving is worked out as a percentage of all employed staff of that year. This is how the percentage is worked out: Number of staff leaving in a year Average number of staff employed in that year This helps the business to monitor trends to see how many employees are leaving and to see if there is a problem with their human resources and what could be done to improve it. Tom improve staff retention rates the business can offer pay rises, praise to the employees, promotions, bonuses, discounts to their products and services, more holiday allowance and giving workers to chance to earn more money by offering overtime.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Samford University Admissions Facts - What It Takes

Samford University Admissions Facts - What It Takes With a high acceptance rate of over 90 percent, Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama may appear to be accessible to almost all of those who apply each year. That said, students who are admitted tend to have grades and standardized test scores at or above average. Along with an application and test scores, interested students will need to submit letters of recommendation and a personal essay. You can calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Samford University Acceptance Rate: 91  percentGPA, ACT and SAT Graph for Samford AdmissionsTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 520 / 620SAT Math: 500 / 618SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanCompare Alabama SAT scoresSouthern Conference SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 23 / 29ACT English: 24  / 31ACT Math: 21 / 27What these ACT numbers meanCompare Alabama ACT scoresSouthern Conference ACT score comparison Samford University Description Samford University is the largest private university in Alabama. Located in Birmingham, Stamford has students from 47 states and 16 countries. The university was founded by Baptists and 1841 and maintains its identity as a Christian university. Undergraduates can choose from 138 majors; nursing and business administration are the most popular. The university has a 12 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and despite the universitys masters and doctoral programs, no classes are taught by graduate assistants. Samfords tuition and fees are less than many comparable private institutions, and the school often ranks highly among best value colleges. On the athletic front, the Samford University Bulldogs compete in the NCAA Division I  Southern Conference. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 5,471  (3,341 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 35 percent male / 65 percent female96 percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $29,402Books: $1,000 (why so much?)Room and Board: $9,830Other Expenses: $4,664Total Cost: $44,896 Samford University Financial Aid (2015 -16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 97  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 96 percentLoans: 35  percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $14,122Loans: $8,953 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Biology, Business Administration, Family Studies, History, Journalism, Nursing, Psychology, Teacher Education What major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 89 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 59 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 73 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Golf, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Track and Field, TennisWomens Sports:  Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, Cross Country If You Like Samford University, You May Also Like These Schools: Auburn University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphVanderbilt University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUnion University: Profile  University of Georgia: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMississippi State University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Alabama: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTroy University: Profile  University of Mississippi: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphClark Atlanta University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of North Alabama: Profile  Furman University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBerry College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Samford University and the Common Application Samford University uses the  Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living

13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living 13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living 13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living By Colin The Internet has provided freelance writers with a whole new set of prospects for selling their skills. But while traditional markets will always be the main source of freelance writers’ income, it is possible to increase earnings in other markets using a little imagination and ingenuity. Here you will find fourteen markets that are always on the hunt for freelance writers able to produce quality, original writing, on a reliable basis. Scan the job boards often enough, and these are the types of jobs that consistently pop up, many of them with excellent compensation packages. 1. Magazines Magazines are the bread and butter of the freelancing writing industry. Writing for magazines opens you up to hundreds, if not thousands of markets, of all kinds of subject matter. No matter where a person’s interests may lie, it is pretty much guaranteed there will be a magazine for it somewhere. Wherever your expertise may lie, write about it, and target these markets first. The more you know, the more you can write about, and the more writing you do for a magazine, the easier you will find it to branch out into new markets later on. 2. Newspapers Newspapers are stuffed with columns, reviews, commentary, and articles on subjects that affect every aspect of contemporary society. Getting published as a freelance writer in a newspaper is hard going, though, so start locally. Offer your services covering local events for a small fee or a by-line, and get to know the editor. It’s a small world in the newspaper industry, so working your way up is possible, provided you work hard, and network well. 3. Fillers Another way of getting your foot in the door with newspapers is to write fillers. Fillers are very small pieces used to fill up redundant space on the page, such as brief news items, obscure news, jokes, and opinion, etc. Editors are always on the lookout for good fillers, so if you can stand out with original writing, and provide their requirements quickly and accurately, you stand a good chance of being considered for regular or more in-depth work when it comes along. 4. SEO Articles SEO articles, whether for a broker or direct with a client, are a great way of earning money. There is such intense competition on the Internet for traffic and advertising revenue, companies will pay handsomely for a freelance writer that can turn out articles to attract users to their business. 5. C.V.s (Resumà ©s) Everyone needs a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.), but not everyone can write a good one. Some people would prefer to enlist the help of a professional writer to help them build a quality C.V., and this provides a nice way for a freelance writer to begin earning money. It’s a good idea to do some research into what makes a good C.V., but with a little practice and common sense it is possible to earn consistently in this market, writing for individuals or businesses. 6. Copywriting Copywriting under the sales and marketing umbrella is another steady road to earning, though it can require a little more research to get underway. Anyone who wants to sell something will require a copywriter at some point, and although copywriting is a more specialised area, with a little know-how and creativity, it is a potential goldmine of varied writing and cash flow, if you can get off the ground. 7. Website Content Any business, organisation, or individual that wishes to promote, sell, or inform, requires a website to do all of these things, and thus the web content writer is in huge demand. Web content writing pays well, and if you choose to specialise it can provide a great source of income and keep you very busy. Sales and marketing knowledge is a must, as may some basic SEO skills, but very often what is required more than anything is a creative writer that can transfer their enthusiasm onto the web page. 8. E-books Some people say e-books will replace print, and others argue the opposite. But while the debate rages on, one thing for sure is e-books won’t be going away any time soon. The best selling e-books are generally how-to or specialised knowledge books, so if you are hired to write one, there will undoubtedly be some research involved. Writing an e-book is no different to writing a traditional book, the only difference being you won’t be able to hold it in your hands when it’s published. 9. Press Releases Being able to write a press release is a useful method of earning one-off gigs, but in some cases can end up being a long-term source of income. Knowing how to pitch and sell within a press release may require some knowledge of the product or service being sold, but the structure of a good press releases remains the same; who, where, when, why, and what. Do a good job on the first one, and a company may be inclined to use you for the second, and third, and so on. 10. Newsletters There are hundreds of organisations that want to promote themselves or keep in touch with their client base, and very often newsletters provide the ideal solution. Writing newsletters is a great way to break into freelancing and gather clips at the same time, and the requirements you need to get started are low in comparison to fillers or other copywriting gigs. 11. Ghost Writing Ghost writing comes in many forms and pays on a very varied scale. And while it is not for anyone who seeks fame, a lot of money can be earned from it. But while the money may be good, be prepared to receive none of the credit. Be honest with yourself that you can handle this aspect before you take the job. Ghost writers that receive five figure sums to write a book for a celebrity are extremely rare. Most ghost writing involves writing material on almost any subject. It could be that you are asked to write for someone who wants to expand their business, or who is simply unable to write for themselves. 12. Greeting Cards While writing greeting cards pays extremely well for so few words, it is also a very tough market to break into. The upside is there is a massive market for this type of writing, as the sale of paper greeting cards for all occasions remains a hugely competitive industry. Editors, therefore, are always on the hunt for good quality, original material. 13. Novelty Tourist Merchandise Everything with words on it has required input from a writer somewhere along the line. This includes such things as postcards, magnets, bumper stickers, and t-shirts. This can often be a very well paid area of freelance writing, and requires the ability to write catchy, original phrases and content, time after time. And as with ghost writing, there is usually no credit to be gained other than monetary. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"What’s the Best Way to Refer to a Romantic Partner?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The customer pyramid ethical issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The customer pyramid ethical issues - Essay Example Initially, Microsoft Corporation used functional structure in which various personnel would be categorized and placed under on department based on their specialization. As the company grew, functional structure was rendered inappropriate. In the current structure (divisional), the company has divisions with each unit focusing on a specific line of goods. Corporate culture is the shared beliefs, ideas, values, traditions and behavior patterns that uniquely identify one organization from another. The belief system and values that members of a particular company subscribe extensively influence the exhibited organizational behavior. Microsoft Corporation was founded on the values and principles held dearly by its pioneer, Bill Gates. Gates believed initiating a computer company that could ‘enlighten’ and make even the less fortunate persons in the society realize their dreams would be noble. It is this initial deep-rooted philosophy that Microsoft has been built on to become what it is today. Currently, the company subscribes to market culture in which all focus is on the customer. The company seeks to efficiently and diligently carry out its tasks to meet the demands of the worldwide customers (King and Lawley, 98). One of the major reasons why Microsoft has grown steadily in this competitive industry is the marketing unit. The company utilizes platforms such as the internet, retail outlets and other resellers to meet the targeted global market. The legal support Microsoft Corporation has received enables it to flex the agreements terms in a way that supports its marketing process. For example, the Enterprise Agreement Direct Advisors (EDA) is one of those that have substantially supported the company’s marketing. Consequently, the finance situation at Microsoft is a cornerstone in its sustainability and development. Recently,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Oskar Schindler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oskar Schindler - Essay Example Oskar Schindler is known to have saved the lives of around a thousand Jews at the time of the Holocaust. What follows is a detailed account of Mr. Schindler (Crowe, 2004). The Life of Oskar Schindler Many people believe that Oskar Schindler was a true hero, at a time when the Jews were brutally murdered; Oskar Schindler actually saved the lives of 1000 Jews. What is most remarkable is the fact that he himself was a Jew ant that too one belonging to the Nazi party. For someone to have the courage to do that speaks volumes about his character. Oskar Schindler owned three factories, out of which only one employed Jewish forced laborers. In 1944, Emalia (the factory that employed Jewish laborers) was at its peak and had employed 1700 workers out of which 1000 were Jews. During the time of the torture, the Emalia workers were also subject to brutal treatment at the Plaszow concentration camp, however, whenever possible Schindler intervened to see that the treatment at the camp was as less severe as possible. Moreover, Schindler also gave refuge to his employees at the Emalia along with approximately 450 other Jews so that they were able to evade the torture and brutal murders at Plaszow (Bulow, 2009).